工學院: 工業工程學研究所指導教授: 洪一薰胡仲瑋Hu, Chung-WeiChung-WeiHu2017-03-022018-06-292017-03-022018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271482由於環保意識高漲,消費者在購買產品時開始注意產品製造過程中所產生的碳排放。本研究提出由一個產品設計商與多家互相競爭的外包製造商所組成的產品製造鏈模型。產品設計商提供產品的設計,並將產品製造外包給外包製造商。產品設計商希望能生產低碳產品,然而外包製造商生產低碳產品的誘因較低,因此產品設計商提供減碳回饋,作為對外包製造商減少碳排放之獎勵。外包製造商除了根據產品設計商提供的產品設計,以及公開的減碳回饋值組成產品製造鏈之外,同時也出價向供應商購買低碳的共同零件,形成一個出價競爭的賽局。本研究也同時探討低碳共同零件的出價競爭賽局對外包製造商的行為及決策的影響。在減碳回饋不足的情況之下,出價競爭賽局會造成在產品製造過程中比無競爭情形之下更高的碳排放及製造成本。Due to increasing of environmental awareness, the amount of carbon emission incurred in manufacturing processes has attracted much attention. In this thesis, we consider a supply chain consisting of one product designer and multiple competing outsourcing manufacturers, where the product designer provides a product design and outsources the manufacturing work to the outsourcing manufacturers. The goal of product designer is to produce at low carbon emission; however, the outsourcing manufacturers have less incentive to do so. Thus, the product designer offers carbon rebate as reward for reduction in carbon emission. The outsourcing manufacturers configure their own production chains after learning the information of the product design and the range of carbon rebate announced by the product designer. The manufacturers compete for common components which results in low carbon emission. Our model investigates how the competition for common components may affect the behaviors of the outsourcing manufacturers. In some cases, the competition causes higher carbon emission and production cost during manufacturing process than without competition.716518 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋本人)碳排放減碳回饋價格競爭動態規劃carbon emissioncarbon rebatepricing competitiondynamic programming減碳回饋機制之研究Design of Carbon Rebate Mechanismthesis10.6342/NTU201601350http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271482/1/ntu-105-R03546001-1.pdf