工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 邱逢琛余健明Yu, Chien-MingChien-MingYu2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271605本研究針對DARPA(Defense Advanced Research Project Agency)贊助的以計算流體力學應用於未來潛艦設計的計畫(SUBOFF porject),其中一項量測潛體安定性導數之實驗為驗證對象,使用計算流體力學軟體FLUENT,對潛體(SUBOFF 5470)模擬斜航試驗、迴旋臂試驗、舵力試驗、等加速度運動、平面運動機構試驗(PMM),其中前三者屬於穩態試驗模擬,並由模擬結果計算流體動力係數,從而分析潛體的安定性能與迴旋性能,再與實驗比較來確認數值模擬方法的可行性和數值計算流體動力係數的精確性。 實驗數據與模擬結果均顯示潛體為不安定,但可藉由加入附件獲得改善,因此全附體(fully appended)在所有構型中相對最為安定;並且以實驗數據為參考對象,本研究驗證了以穩態試驗模擬替代平面運動機構試驗模擬的可行性,其模擬符合操縱的低頻運動狀態,結果更具精確性及一致性;此外以等加速度運動模擬求取附加質量,以k-ε模型模擬之結果比實驗數據更接近無黏流的計算結果,同樣也比平面運動機構試驗模擬的誤差小,顯示等加速度運動模擬的可靠性。The present study focuses on the developement of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods to calculate the hydradynanimc coefficients of DARPA SUBOFF model and analyze its maneuverability including directional stability and turning ability. The experiments of DARPA SUBOFF model were performed in the David Taylor Model Basin using the planar motion mechanism (PMM) to determine the stability and control characteristics of the model. These experimental data served as a bentch mark for CFD validations, which was identified as the Defense Advanced Research Projects (DARPA) SUBOFF project. In the present study, the CFD software ANSYS FLUENT is applied to simulate the maneuver motions of DARPA SUBOFF model, including motions of oblique towing test, rotating arm test, rudder force test, constant accelerating test and PMM test, and the corresponding hydradynanimc forces and hydradynanimc coefficients can be obtained. With these hydradynanimc coefficients and equations of horizontal maneuvering motions, the maneuverability of DARPA SUBOFF model can finally be analyzed. The CFD simulation results are compared with those of experimens. Similar to the analysis results from experiments, CFD simulation results also indicate that all configurations of DARPA SUBOFF model are directional unstable, which can be improved by adding appendages.Comparing with the simulation results of PMM test, that of oblique towing test, rotating arm test, and constant accelerating test are more reliable and more accurate.6591494 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/9/13論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)SUBOFF計畫潛體操縱性能流體動力係數計算流體力學SUBOFF ProjectManeuverabilityHydrodynamic CoefficientsCFD應用計算流體力學方法探討潛體流體動力係數及操縱性能之研究Study on Hydrodynamic Coefficients and Maneuverability of a Submerged Body by Applying CFD Methodthesis10.6342/NTU201601226http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271605/1/ntu-105-R03525007-1.pdf