2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715319Taiwan is an island around 36,000 square km in size with sharp topographic reliefs due to active arc-continent collision. With a long coastline of 1566 km, the prosperity of Taiwan is closely depends on oceans. Therefore, to understand and to study the ocean surrounding Taiwan are compulsory. The Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University (IONTU) was established in 1968 by the Ministry of Education as the first educational and research institute for oceanic sciences in Taiwan. In the past 46 years, IONTU has been devoting to marine science education as well as to the investigation of marine environments around Taiwan. In order to deepen and promote ocean researches, protect our marine environments and resources, integrate engineering and technology, develop ocean laws and economic policies, carry out general and professional educations, and provide services on marine investigations and information, the Ocean Center of NTU was established by integrating the facilities and experts from related departments and institutes of NTU in December 2012. This center aims to take the responsibilities of making ocean policy suggestions to governmental agencies and to promote ocean science and technology developments. The Ocean Center is located at the first floor of the Global Change Research Center on NTU campus.臺灣面積約三萬六千平方公里,地形起伏受造山運動而高山林立,陸地資源礦藏開發有限;臺灣四面環海,除南投縣之外,其餘縣市皆與海洋相鄰,不論政治、經濟、貿易及交通都與海洋息息相關。對於海洋的瞭解與研就是絕對必要的。為了進行系統性的海洋研究與調查工作,教育部除了於民國五十五年應美國海洋學家華倫博士(I. E. Warren)和施坦巴赫博士(H. B. Steinbach)的建灣大學成立海洋研究所,為國內最早設立之海洋科學教學研究單位,致力於台灣周遭海洋環境的調查研究工作,建置基礎海洋資料並培育海洋研究人才。 臺灣大學為推廣兼具學術及應用的前瞻性海洋科學研究、加強跨院系和校際之密切合作、並發展跨領域教學課程、以期培育具創新能力之科技人才、深化與發揚海洋研究、環境與資源之維護、工程與技術之結合、法政與經濟政策之研擬、推廣與教育之實施、探測與資訊之服務,特整合本校海洋相關領域之教學、研究、設備、人才,成立跨院系之校級功能性「海洋中心」(Ocean Center of NTU,以下簡稱本中心)。整合校內資源,肩負國家海洋政策建言、海洋科學技術發展與海洋人才培育之重要責任。本中心經本校審查會議通過後,於101年12月設立。隨即在第一任中心主任唐存勇教授之領導下於校內全球變遷研究中心一樓成立辦公室,進行業務。本中心之主要任務如下: 1執行整合性與議題性之海洋基礎研究,引領海洋學術發展方向 2進行海洋政策與法律之研究,協助政府海洋事務之施政與法案制定3 提昇海洋研究、環境保護與產業所需之工程、生物與資訊技術 4整合校內海洋教育資源,培育國議於臺家海洋專業人才 5推動國際海洋學術、事務、教育與文化之交流與合作Ocean Center