詹森林2006-07-252018-07-052006-07-252018-07-052005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/12901本計畫以政府採購與民事契約之 關係為研究主題。 政府採購每年金額龐大,自民國 八十八年五月二十七日起,更有政府 採購法之專門規範。 另一方面,政府採購均已機關及 廠商間訂立契約方式表現。此項政府 採購契約,除應應受政府採購法規範 外,是否亦有民法關於契約規定之適 用餘地,甚值探討。 本文分別從採購法及民法之條文 規定與實務裁判,簡要敘述採購契約 之性質、採購契約之成立、押標金或 履約保證金之沒收、採購契約之履行 (轉包)等問題。詳細內容,將另以 專文說明。This research project focuses on the relationship between the government procurement and the civil contract. Government procurements cost huge money every year.Since May 27, 1999,government procurements are regulated by the Government Procurement Act as lex specialis. On the other hand,government procurements usually result in the conclusion of contracts between t the procuring government agency and he bidding entity.Hence,it is essential to observe whether the regulations governing the civil contract also apply to government procurements. Based on the provisions and decisions of both the Government Procurement Act and the Civil Code, this report briefs the nature,the conclusion and the performance of government procurement contract, and confiscation of bid bond or guarantee bond.application/pdf202315 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學法律學系暨研究所政府採購契約押標金履約保證金轉包government procurementcontractbid bondguarantee bondassignment of contract政府採購與民事契約關係之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/12901/1/932414H002032.pdf