姜蘭虹2006-07-252018-06-282006-07-252018-06-282002http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/11409A majority of Taiwan-born immigrants settled in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne after 1986. This trend reflects growing links between Australia and the Asia-Pacific countries and the Australia¡¦s shifting immigration policy with increasing emphasis placed on business and skilled migrants in the late 1980s. This research examines the distribution and residential mobility of recent Taiwanese migrants in terms of residential choice for their first and subsequent moves and attempts to explore the factors of decision-making process in Australian cities. Having built a research framework based on literature review, two basic research methods are employed: Quantitative analysis of census data and in-depth interviews of one hundred Taiwanese immigrants in three major cities in Australia. As the results from this study show, most Taiwanese immigrants who first arrived in Australia live in large cities. The main reason for choosing to settle in Sydney was favorable business opportunities, and the northern part of Sydney was most favored. Those who chose Brisbane are attracted by the good climate there, and they favored living in the Sunnybank area in south Brisbane. Melbourne is preferred by others, for better education for their children, especially the areas near good schools. The residential mobility of Taiwanese migrants in Australia is based on three decision-making elements: needs, capital and time, and the interaction of these elements leads to diversification and individual differences in the factors of residential choice. In general, the migrants always choose to locate in close proximity to their relatives, friends and Taiwanese communities. They preferred new houses that are dominated by three- and four- bedroom units. The factors considered in their locational choice included income and housing budget, children¡¦s education, proximity to work, shopping centers, and friend¡¦s opinions. Over time, the reasons for residential choice changed, reflecting individual preferences and experiences, apart from such main reasons of change as life-cycles and fluctuating housing prices. Gradually, there appeared a lower preference for houses with swimming pools and gardens, as migrants relocate.1980 年末,在澳洲與亞太地區國家間關係的持續發展及其增加了商業與技術移民的名額的環境下,使得大多擁有豐富資產以及教育程度高的台灣人紛紛移入了澳洲,並且明顯集中在雪梨、布里斯本及墨爾本三個都市。本研究即以此三都市的台灣移民為對象,透過普查等統計資料分析和深入訪談的方法,主要以社會地理學「局內人」的觀點,系統性地探討台灣移民對居住地選擇的因素,並架構居住地改變和選擇的邏輯,來思考整個遷移過程的機制。 結果發現,他們會因為大都市較有商機的理由選擇雪梨,並以雪梨灣北岸為主要居住地區;會因為天氣好的因素而選擇布里斯本,並集中在南區的新利班周遭地區;會因為子女教育而選墨爾本,主要分布在市中心向東電車沿線等好學區的等地區。基於需求、能力與時問三要素的相互影響下,澳洲台灣移民在居住地選擇的決策上更趨多樣化與個別化。訪談結果發現,隨著時問適應情形的改變,作遷移決策時所考量的因子也會改變。剛到澳洲時,選擇居住地的因素主要會考量親友意見;在預算、子女教育和離工作地點遠近等因素下,會在親友住所鄰近區域尋找房子,並以租屋為主要選擇”一般而言,他們比較喜歡住新房子,而且對於他們所選擇的居住地都表示滿意。隨著經驗的累積及對周遭環境的熟悉,個別差異性開始凸顯,每個人對居住地 的選擇會有不同的考量與分析。他們會因為居住時間、生命週期和適應情形的改變,或房地產的漲跌而更換房子,而且多數人不要游泳池與大庭院。在遷居上,有向都市公寓型房子搬遷的趨勢。而且,當台灣移民對新環境的T 解越深入,觀念及價值也會隨之改變,表示他們在澳洲社會中已逐漸發展出一套自己的「澳洲一台灣」生活的新行為模式,而且正默默的生才艮中。application/pdf608893 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學地理環境資源學系暨研究所Taiwanese migrantsresidential choiceadaptationdecision-makingAustrali台灣移民居住地選擇適應決策澳洲[SDGs]SDG10[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG13澳洲台灣人的居住地流動、適應及衝擊(II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/11409/1/902415H002003.pdf