工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 陳義男;江茂雄陳威宏Chen, Wei-HungWei-HungChen2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271348本論文針對5MW離岸型風力發電機,以FAST軟體結合ADAMS以及MATLAB/SIMULINK進行全系統動態模擬與分析。首先以FAST建立風力發電機之塔架、葉片、機艙模型,並進行葉片氣動力分析(Aerodynamic Analysis),再以ADAMS動態模擬軟體進行風力發電機組的動態模擬,結合發展出的子系統在MATLAB/SIMULINK環境底下做完整的風力發電機閉迴路控制系統的分析與設計。子系統動態模式包含直驅式永磁同步發電機(Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator)以及磁場導向控制(Field-Oriented Control)、電網側變流器控制(Grid-Side Converter Control)、變轉速泵控液壓伺服系統及葉片變旋角系統、以及交流感應馬達驅動的機艙偏航系統。最後整合離岸風力發電機運轉控制策略與控制理論,當風力發電機運轉於切入風速之上、額定風速之下,利用直驅式永磁同步發電機的變轉速控制系統,控制風力發電機轉速追蹤最佳尖速比(Tip-Speed Ratio),維持最大功率係數,達到最佳的功率輸出。當風力發電機運轉於額定風速之上,啟動泵控液壓伺服系統驅動葉片變旋角系統機構,調整葉片旋角調控風能擷取效率,使風力發電機維持在額定功率輸出,實現主動控制變轉速變旋角風力發電機系統。This paper aims to investigate dynamic simulation and analysis for a 5MW wind turbine by combining the software of FAST, ADAMS and MATLAB/SIMULINK. FAST serves to build the motion models of tower, blades and nacelle of the wind turbine, and the aerodynamic analysis of blade. ADAMS is used for dynamic simulation of wind turbines. MATLAB/SIMULINK is used to establish the subsystem dynamic models for analysis and design of wind turbines. The subsystems comprise the direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generator mathematical model with the magnetic field oriented control and grid-side converter control, the variable speed pump-controlled hydraulic servo system and the blade variable pitch angle control system, the AC induction motor driving nacelle yaw system. Finally, through combining the models of FAST, ADAMS and MATLAB/SIMULINK, the wind turbine operation and control strategies can be implemented and verified in der different wind conditions. When the wind turbine operates above cut-in speed and under the rated wind speed, the variable speed control of direct drive permanent magnet synchronous generator is performed to make the wind turbine rotor tracking the desired rotor speed calculated by the optimal tip speed ratio for maintaining the maximum power coefficient and optimum power output. When the wind turbine operates above the rated wind speed, the blade pitch control driven by the pump-controlled hydraulic servo system is implemented to adjust the pitch angle of the blades and maintain the rated power output. Different wind conditions are given for verifying the developed overall dynamic simulation of offshore wind turbines.2663415 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/3論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)直驅式永磁同步發電機磁場導向控制電網側變流器控制變轉速泵控液壓伺服系統葉片變旋角系統direct-drive permanent magnet synchronous generatormagnetic field oriented controlgrid-side converter controlvariable speed pump-controlled hydraulic servo systempitch control system5MW離岸風力發電機整合直驅式永磁同步發電機與併網之全機組運轉控制研究Control and Analysis for a 5MW Offshore Wind Turbine Combining with Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator and Gridthesis10.6342/NTU201601649http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271348/1/ntu-105-R03525041-1.pdf