2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714777The orthopedics, or orthopedic surgery, is a historical branch in surgery. Thanks for the remarkable advancement on surgical techniques, instruments, anesthetic care, and biological as well as medical engineering in recent decades, there is a brand new presentation on this field. This brings rapid expansion of patient number and also related research and knowledge. Consequently, establishing an independently running department of orthopedics, which works separately from but in close conjunction with the surgical department, is a trend among global medical centers. The department isolated from the department of surgery in 1987 to function as an unit. This department presently has 19 full-time staffs, 25 residents, 5 administer personnel, plus nursing staffs and administer assistants assigned by the department of nursery. These together make a medical team to provide our patients related services. As a department in the university hospital of National Taiwan University, we also commit the missions of research and education in both basic and clinical medicine.骨科(orthopaedics,或骨外科 orthopaedic surgery)是外科醫學中一門古老的學門,但是由於近數十年來外科手術技術及器械、麻醉技術、以及若干生物及醫用機械科技的進步,賦予這個領域嶄新的面貌和突飛猛進的發展。由於相關研究、知識及病患服務量的迅速膨脹發展,世界各醫學中心的骨科近年來紛紛從原本外科中的一個次領域獨立成一個專門的學門。 本院骨科亦自 1987 年正式成立為一獨立科,從事骨科之醫療服務與研究教學。 本科目前有專任主治醫師 21 名,住院醫師 21 名,行政及技術人員 5 名,及由護理部派駐之護理與行政人員,組成醫療團隊為病患提供骨科之診療服務。 由於本院為國立臺灣大學附屬之教學醫院,故亦同時擔負基礎及臨床醫學研究、教學之任務。Orthopedic Surgery-NTUH