法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 姜皇池張百勛Chang, Pai-HsunPai-HsunChang2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/273393隨著國際環境意識提升,海洋污染防治議題逐漸形成,進而透過法律工具規範化。觀察海洋污染法制規範脈絡,全球性、區域性或內國海洋污染法制之奠基、發展及變遷通常在回應重大海上污染事件;然而,由於污染物質、能量或其活動來源係在一國管轄權所及範圍內,國際社群對於占海洋污染七至八成之「陸源污染」(Land-based Marine Pollution)迄未達成任何全球性條約,而是在高環境脆弱但政經文化同質性較高之區域或國家發展出較具體的條約或內國防治法。 本研究目標,在於從全球與區域性陸源污染法源之發展脈絡,歸納、提出陸源污染防治的可能規範,進而檢視臺灣陸源污染相關法制量能並提出初步建議。由於相關條約釋義已累積豐碩成果,本文兼採海洋環境治理與政策的科際整合方法。於論文結構安排,本論文首先釐清「陸源污染」定義,確認防治標的與當前治理困境。其次,本文以文獻分析法分層檢視環境硬法量能,再藉比較方法學檢視環境軟法在法律與政策之促因,探究其在陸源污染防治可能發揮之實效,最後回歸本土規範。 研究結果發現,聯合國環境署、歐洲聯盟、區域污染防治委員會等跨國組織,在全球性與區域性陸源污染規範化及制度設計,例如具拘束力之指令、建立與調和「標準」(criteria)及跨國合作,具有舉足輕重作用。由於臺灣四面環海之海島國地理暨所處東亞區域政治、文化異質性,本文認為臺灣在陸源污染防治的「國際合作」以導入國際防治策略與標準為優先,並考慮整合式立法。最後,考慮到陸源污染「來源」(sources)之典型陸上活動特質,當前政府組織調整應審慎考慮陸源污染之防治是否併「海洋污染」事務而全面移交海洋委員會海洋保育署主管。Marine environmental protection gradually emerged as an important issue due to public environmental awareness, and relevant norms have developed through the legal means. In view of the legal regime on marine pollution through contextual analysis, processes of formulation, evolvement and transformation on the issue are often considered to be responses to severe pollution events on the sea; nevertheless, transnational community fail to reach any globally binding instruments on land-based marine pollution (LBMP), which comprises approximately 70-80% of marine pollution. The thesis aims at reviewing and proposing suggestions to Taiwanese legislation related to LBMP by inducing possible rules and norms referred to in the context of transnational sources. Recognizing the existence of fruitful studies in article explanations, the thesis adopts an interdisciplinary approach, inclusive of ocean governance and policy research. As for the structure, the thesis defines LBMP at first and denotes the current prevention dilemma. Apart from rule-based analysis, the thesis reviews legal capacity of existing hard laws, following analysis on the function of soft law instruments, and ends at an overall review of Taiwan’s LBMP regime. The thesis finds that transnational organizations have shown ideal influence in framing legal frameworks on LBMP. Considering Taiwan’s geographical surrounding and its position in East Asia, the thesis suggests the setting of regulation priorities and criteria on LBMP as top priorities. Finally, on governmental reorganization, the problem that which authority should be in charge of LBMP shall be evaluated carefully since LBMP sources are typically “land-based” in comparison with other types of marine pollution.4764355 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/8/24論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)陸源污染(LBMP)海洋環境海洋治理環境立法污染防治環境原則Land-based Marine Pollution (LBMP)Marine EnvironmentOcean GovernanceEnvironmental LegislationPollution ControlEnvironmental Principles[SDGs]SDG11[SDGs]SDG14跨境陸源污染治理與規範Governance and Norms on Land-based Marine Pollutionthesis10.6342/NTU201601563http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/273393/1/ntu-105-R02A21090-1.pdf