陳郁蕙(Yu Hui Chen)李俊鴻(Chun-Hung Lee)陳雅惠(Ya-Hui Chen)2020-02-072020-02-0720111027-7757https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/455528本研究以條件行為法(Contingent Behavior Approach,以下簡稱CBA)建立森林遊樂區旅遊需求模型,在「強化遊憩體驗」、「建構森林遊樂區資源品質維護」、「提昇民眾服務品質」、「改善基礎設施」及「建構環境衝擊控制」等五種森林遊樂區旅遊品質提昇方案下,利用Panel遊憩需求模型分析影響遊憩需求之相關因素,估算不同方案下遊憩需求之價格彈性、交叉彈性及所得彈性,並探討各品質改善方案之經濟效益。本研究以溪頭森林遊樂區為例,對專程造訪該遊樂區之遊客進行問卷調查,根據調查結果進行分析,結果顯示:(1)各旅遊品質改善方案對遊憩需求皆產生明顯的結構性變化;(2)實施品質改善方案之下,遊客前往森林遊樂區的旅遊遊憩需求將越不具價格彈性,替代森林遊樂區對遊客將不具吸引力,而遊客所得變化對遊憩需求的影響將大幅降低;(3)各品質改善方案均能顯著提高遊客前往森林遊樂區旅遊的經濟效益,其中「提昇民眾服務品質」方案對於提高經濟效益之效果較其他方案高。The main purpose of study is to apply the contingent behavior approach (CBA) to evaluate the economic benefits from visitor's ecotourism quality improvement in Chi-Tou forest recreational area. We used the Chi-Tou survey data and ecotourism panel recreation demand model to examine the price elasticities, cross price elasticities, income elasticities and economic benefits for various hypothetical programs including enhancing recreational experience, building a conserving theme of resources quality in forest recreation area, improving visitor's service quality and infrastructure, and building a control theme of environmental. The empirical results of this study are threefold. First, potential structural changes appear in ecotourism recreation demand owing to the visitor's ecotourism quality improvements in all programs. Second, with the ecotourism quality improvement in forest recreational area, the ecotourism recreation demand is more price inelastic, the alternative forest recreational area becomes a less attractive substitute, and the ecotourism recreation demand is more income inelastic. Third, the economic benefit in the in the theme of ”service quality improvement” is higher than other ecotourism quality improvement programs in forest recreational area.森林遊樂區; 觀光遊憩需求; 旅遊品質提昇方案; 條件行為法;Forest Recreational Area; Tourism Recreational Demand ; Tourism Quality Improvement; Contingent Behavior Approach;森林遊樂區遊客旅遊品質提昇之經濟效益評估-以溪頭森林遊樂區為例journal article10.6196/TAER.2011.16.2.1http://dx.doi.org/10.6196/TAER.2011.16.2.1