2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715820The Department of Pharmacy was established in the College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan in 1953, and the first class of 32 undergraduate students enrolled in that year. The Department of Pharmacy was the first public school of Pharmacy in Taiwan. The Graduate Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences was set up and M.S. program was started in 1970, while the Ph.D. program was started in 1983. In order to improve the teaching and research and to complement each department, the Graduate Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences was divided into three divisions in 1989, including: Medicinal Chemistry (division A), Pharmacognosy (division B) and Pharmaceutics (division C), and a fourth division of Clinical Pharmacy as included in 1993 for education of pharmacists in clinical pharmacy. Furthermore, the fourth division was established independently as the Institute of Clinical Pharmacy in 2000 for advanced education and cultivation of professional clinical pharmacists, and to enlarge the knowledge in medical science as well as to improve medical quality and health care service. In the same year, a fourth division of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology was included. In order to coordinate more efficient teaching and research activities in the Graduate Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, another reorganization was initiated in 2008, resulting in three new divisions, Drug discovery (division A), Pharmaceutical Technology (division B) and Medicinal Biotechnology (division C). The Ph.D. program has been divided into two sub-divisions, Molecular Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, to achieve the multidisciplinary pharmacy education and to well equip the students as independent and professional individuals. According to specialties of faculties, the Department of Pharmacy offers many courses, including: basic pharmacy (medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutics, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical biotechnology, pharmaceutical analysis) and clinical pharmacy, for cultivation of candidates of R&D and industrial technology, and also for series training for professional specialists in Pharmacy Practice. Basically, the teaching faculties and facilities are in adequate amounts; however, several high-tech facilities are required for advanced research and further applications. To date, there is still a shortage of pharmaceutical researchers and related workers in our society that needs people skilled in pharmacy and highly demands professional pharmacists in hospitals. Hence, The Department of Pharmacy offers programs and courses that fit the students in need. The Department of Pharmacy welcomes all students who are interested in anything related to pharmacy. The students can learn and experience from the well-designed courses and be equipped with not only the basic pharmaceutical sciences but also professional skills for jobs. The Department of Pharmacy should undoubtedly take the responsibility to educate the students to achieve the goals to footer competent pharmacists, to serve the public and to contribute to research and development of drugs. 民國42年8月教育部核准臺灣大學醫學院設立藥學系,並於當年招收第一屆學生32 名, 為我自由中國在臺灣最早成立之公立藥學校。民國59年成立藥學研究所,招收碩士班學生, 嗣於72年研究所增設博士班。為促使教學研究更為專精與不同學科相輔相成,於78 年起將研究所依教學分為藥物化學組(甲組)、 生藥學組(乙組)、及藥劑學組(丙組)三組分組招生,82年起更增加醫院藥學組(丁組),以培育臨床藥學專才, 在教學研究維持各領域均衡發展。為培育醫院臨床藥學之專業人才,以從事各項專業服務及臨床用藥之研究, 提昇國內之醫療品質與全民藥物治療水準,民國89 年臨床藥學組獨立成臨床藥學研究所。同年, 研究所增加藥物生物科技組(丁組)招生。為了使教學及研究更加有效率,民國97年研究所重新整合成三組, 新藥探索組(甲組)、製藥科技組(乙組)、醫藥生技組(丙組)。自100學年度起研究所博士班亦分為分子醫藥組及藥物科技組兩組招生, 符合藥學教育多元化與專業化之世界潮流。 藥學系在編制上依師資之專長分為藥物化學、藥劑學、生藥學、藥物生物科技、藥物分析學等基礎藥學及臨床藥學。 培育將來從事研究發展等基礎藥學與製藥科技之人才,以及訓練養成從事藥事服務(Pharmacy Practice) 之專業人才。 本系之師資、設備大致完備,但依然有些精密研究設備正在努力爭取中。目前社會上從事藥學研究發展的人員依然少, 製藥界需人才,醫院需專業藥師,因此本系的發展性有相當潛力。藥學涵蓋極廣領域,各學門科技研究日益精進。 藥學各學門的人才培育教育,無論是醫院或社區藥師,製藥工業界藥師或從事新藥研究開發,均需有專精的訓練, 才能在其崗位上發揮長才。為提升醫藥分業後藥事服務品質,自98學年度開始並行六年制之藥學教育,以培養優秀稱職之臨床藥師, 符合現代社會醫療需求。大學部課程內容則根據本院教育理念「培育優良藥師、力行創新研究」而做設計。 本系學生的課程主要分六大部分,有「共同及藥學預備課程」、「生物醫學科學課程」、「基礎藥學科學課程」、 「臨床藥學科學課程」、「藥事行政及社會科學課程」、「藥學實習」,臺大藥學系進入六年制學制以後,也加強了多項課程, 將非處方藥、社區藥局概論、社區藥局實習列為必修科目,也增加了藥品資訊分析、流行病學、衛生政策與健康保險等課程, 第五年的課程除了規劃藥物經濟學、臨床藥品動態學、藥品臨床試驗、藥學臨床技能導論等課程,也增加了多項分科的藥物治療學課程, 第六年的實習課則以模組方式規劃,包括加護病房臨床藥學實習( 含 8 個科別的加護病房)、一般病房臨床藥學實習( 含 15 個科部的一般病房)、 進階醫院藥事服務實習( 含 10 個部門的實習地點),將醫院實習作全面性的規劃,除此之外,進階社區藥局實習也是課程重點之一。 在六年制藥學教育的架構下,社會藥學與行政管理也是極為重要的一部份。本系六年制的課程中, 設計了與健康保健體系、藥事經濟、流行病學及醫藥管理政策相關的課程,此外,也擴增實習單位,提供實習機會, 包括醫藥品查驗中心、藥害救濟基金會、健康保險局、食品藥物管理局( 包括:食品、藥品、醫療器材、化粧品、管制藥品、 各區管理中心、製藥工廠管理…等組別),讓學生畢業後有能力從事、執行、管理、甚至成為制訂醫藥政策的決策者。此外, 本系也已經獲得多個相關的實習單位的承諾,制訂相關辦法及實習內容,這些單位包括多個國內藥廠與國內外各大公司、 CRA (Clinical Research Associate)公司,以及財團法人醫藥工業技術發展中心…等單位;在實驗室方面, 也鼓勵學生到有興趣的實驗室做專題研究,學習生物醫藥相關的技術及技能,以期有新穎的研究成果產出。 教育為國家建設之根本,冀望改制後的臺大藥學院依下列目標發展:1. 提昇我國藥學教育之水準,將之納入培育臨床藥師之正軌, 訓練稱職之藥師,加速大學部之藥師教育制度之改革。2. 提昇我國藥學科研之水準,以協助政府推動藥學科技之發展。 落實研究所之教學及研究,以達成藥學科學專精科研人才之訓練重鎮。3. 協助政府製藥工業之發展。 期盼未來能結合不同專長的人才充分發揮所長,共同推動研究邁向卓越成果,使國內藥學科技早日提昇至國際水準。School of PharmacyAcademic Institute