曹承礎2006-07-262018-06-292006-07-262018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/18853電子商務已從第一代的資訊流通、第二 代的線上交易,以至於第三代 ──以代理人 為中介的電子商務研究(Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce)導引出的自動化電子商 務。無論是企業間、消費者間亦或企業對消費 者的交易過程都脫離不了協商階段。以往企業 對消費者及消費者間的電子商務自動協商系 統多是以非標準解決方案開發、採取集中式電 子市場架構、使用拍賣為主的協商協定、且只 能針對價格單項議題進行競爭式協商。然而, 企業間的交易並非如此簡單,複雜、多議題、 有彈性、合作式的協商才是企業所需。過去的 自動協商架構在擴充性、安全性、商務本質、 資訊取得、企業流程整合以及半自動化協 商……等議題考量下,並不適合直接應用在企業間協商系統上。基於網路服務(Web Services)具有標準 化、開放、高互通性、鬆散耦合……等特性, 以及它極有可能成為未來企業間系統最主要 的溝通互動方式,本研究於是採用網路服務相 關技術建構一有別過去做法的分散式協商系統架構──WS-DNA ,以期解決集中式架構 帶來的問題,並在雛型系統採用TAMON 協商 協定及BGA 決策演算法以支援多議題協商活 動。在這個以網路服務為基礎的分散式架構 下,協商將變得更有彈性(可自由選擇協商協 定、協商策略、協商對象),企業也將因此獲得更多的交易機會。Since improving the efficiency of e-Business usage is very important, the automation of Electronic Commerce enabled by the research of Agent mediated Electronic Commerce (AmEC) becomes the core concept of the next generation Electronic Commerce. Negotiation is the most critical stage of a transaction, no matter in B2B, B2C, or C2C commerce. However, most researches about automated negotiation system today only focus on B2C and C2C Electronic Commerce. In this research, a Web Services based distributed negotiation architecture has been proposed for B2B interoperability, and a prototype system which implements proposed architecture is also presented. The vast majority of B2C and C2C automated negotiation systems are based on centralized electronic marketplaces, using variety of auction based negotiation protocols, and only provide user or software agent doing “competitive negotiation” over “single issue”, price. But, the negotiation process of B2B transaction is not so simple; it needs a more flexible and more complex way to do “cooperative negotiation” over “multiple issues”, such as price, delivery time, payment, insurance, warranty, etc. When issues such as scalability, security, essence of business, information gathering, business process integration, and semi-automated negotiation are taken into consideration, the centralized architecture adapted by the past B2C and C2C automated negotiation systems seems not fit for the B2B automated negotiation system’s requirement. Because Web Services is fully standardized, open, loosely coupled, interoperable, and will become the major way of inter-organization interaction. To overcome the problems of centralized architecture, a distributed architecture based on Web Services related technologies has been proposed in this research. In our prototype system, TAMON Model is chose as the negotiation protocol, and BGA is chose as the decision making algorithm to support multiple issues negotiation. In such architecture, negotiation process will become more flexible, people can freely choose negotiation protocols, strategies and partners, and company will have more chance to conduct business with others.application/pdf167536 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學資訊管理學系暨研究所自動協商協商系統架構多議題協 商企業間協商整合型協商代理人網路 服務Automated NegotiationNegotiation System ArchitectureMultiple Issues NegotiationBusiness to Business NegotiationAgentWeb Services以網路服務為基礎之電子商務分散協商架構otherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/18853/1/932416H002016.pdf