趙順文臺灣大學:日本語文學研究所楊孟軒Yang, Meng-ShiuanMeng-ShiuanYang2007-11-262018-05-292007-11-262018-05-292007http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/52647  本論文的目的是將接尾辭「-的」與其語基的結合狀況,依照詞性來加以考察。並且將以名詞語基為中心,使用了許多例句做為採樣,來從語意方面進行例證。名詞語基若要與接尾辭「-的」結合,首先必須要有顯著的語意特徵,該語基所持有的語意特徵其強度若是越強,就越容易與「-的」結合。相對地,若該語基並未持有任何顯著的語意特徵,則無法與「-的」結合。至於形容詞語基,雖然一般而言被認為無法與「-的」結合,但若是有補充語意的機能存在的話則可以與之結合。   此外,「簡略表現」的使用法也是本論文的考察目的之一。最近不管是和語、外來語、甚至連句子都能和「-的」結合,簡略表現扮演了很重要的角色。說到簡略表現,使用時主要是以副詞型態居多,語意方面被解釋為「以∼的立場來說」、「從∼的立場來看」、「從∼的角度來看」,對於語基的限制也比「需要擁有顯著的語意特徵」這條件來得鬆。   另外,「-的」和「-的な」的語意表現,亦是本論文研究的重點之一。像「的+被修飾語」這種「省略な」的表現方式,雖然一般來說被認為是一種刪減字數的簡潔表現,但實際上,「-的」和「-的な」在語意表現上其實有著些微的不同。「的な+被修飾語」的語意重心比較傾向前方的「-的」,而相對的「的+被修飾語」這種「省略な」的表現,一般卻認為重心比較傾向後方的被修飾名詞。雖然兩者在語意方面並沒有什麼差別,但兩者語意的重心卻被置放在不同的位置上。This thesis aims to focus upon the attachment of the suffix “-teki” and its language base according to the part of speech. The research will take noun base as the center of the study, with sample sentences to achieve a semantic exemplification. If the suffix “-teki” is to be attached to the language base, a certain distinctive semantic feature is necessary to make it possible. In fact, the more distinctive the semantic feature in the given language, the easier it can have the suffix “-teki” attached to itself. By contrast, if the given language carries no distinctive semantic feature, the situation turns out to be the opposite. On the other hand, the affixation of the suffix “-teki” to the adjective base is generally thought of as impossible. Nevertheless, the mechanism of supplementing the semantic meaning will make this attachment possible. In addition, “the simplified form of expression” is another target of the study. Recently, both at the lexical level and the syntactic level, both Japanese words and loan words can be easily attached with the suffix“-teki.” This accounts for the importance and prevalence of the“simplified form of expression.” In “simplified form of expression,” adverbial phrase will be the main option. Its semantic meanings are understood as “from the standpoint of~” or “in the perspective of~” Compared with the attachment of the suffix, “simplified form of expression” has a less fixed semantic restriction, with no requirement of“distinctive semantic feature.” Also, the semantic expressions of “-teki” and “-tekina” are another focus of this thesis. The phrase “-teki and the modified terms” is one way of denoting the “-na deletion.” Even though this expression is generally regarded as the concise expression by means of word deletion,“-teki” and “-tekina” actually possess subtle differences in semantic expressions. The semantic focus of “-teki and the modified terms” is mainly on the former part, whereas the way of denoting “-na deletion” generally puts the semantic focus on the latter part, the modified terms. Despite the fact that there is only a slight semantic distinction between the two, their semantic focuses are absolutely different.第一章 はじめに………………………………………1 第二章 先行研究と問題点……………………………2           2.1 接尾辞「-的」の意味解釈…………………2         2.2 遠藤織枝(1984) ……………………………2   2.3 原由起子(1986) ……………………………3   2.4 王淑琴(2000)(2005) ………………………3 第三章 接尾語「-的」の語基の考察………………4   3.1 「-的」の生産性……………………………4   3.2 語基の「-的」と結合できる条件…………7 3.2.1 「サ変動詞語基+的」の場合……………8 3.2.2 「名詞語基+的」の場合 ………………11 語基の意味特徴 ………………………11 語のレベル概念 ………………………18 簡約表現の考察 ………………………22 3.2.3 「形容動詞語基+的」の場合 …………26 3.2.4 「-的」と分離できないタイプ ………32 3.2.5 「和語+的」の場合 ……………………34 3.2.6 「外来語+的」の場合 …………………36 3.2.7 「文+的」の場合 ………………………38 第四章 接尾辞「-的」の文における形態 ………41    4.1 派生語の使われ方 …………………………41 4.2 戦前の「-的」の使い方 …………………45 第五章 「-的」と「-的な」の意味比較 ………47 5.1 助詞との結合 ………………………………47 5.2 語基と被修飾語のつながりによる「な」の欠落 ……………………48 5.3 被修飾語と「-的な」の考察 ……………53 5.4 「-的」と「-的な」の意味表現上の違い ……………………58 第六章 結論と問題点 ………………………………65 参考文献 ………………………………………………68 用例出典 ………………………………………………69676297 bytesapplication/pdfen-US語基被修飾語語意特徵簡略表現語意表現的重心language basethe modified termssemantic featuresimplified form of expressionthe semantic focus日語中接尾辭「-的」的語意表現之考察A Study of the Semantics of the Suffix “-teki” in Japaneseotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/52647/1/ntu-96-R93127007-1.pdf