臺灣大學: 地理環境資源學研究所孫志鴻沈俊祺Shen, Chun-ChiChun-ChiShen2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/248002近年來全球環境污染嚴重,而都市交通噪音污染往往被忽略,事實上,噪音污染危害深遠,不僅身理上造成聽覺受損,心理上亦會使人感到煩噪,並影響到工作效率及睡眠,其對人們的危害已引起關注。前人利用GIS在空間分析計算上的便捷及優勢,改善了傳統FHWA交通噪音污染預測模式的準確性,並透過3D GIS以建築物外觀貼面呈現立體空間中噪音污染分佈的情形,已獲得良好成效。然而上述過程中包含道路交通噪音預測模式及GIS空間計算、3D建築物模型建置與3D GIS視覺呈現等流程,涉及到不同專業軟體操作與程式撰寫。本研究整合上述計算流程,發展交通噪音預測空間決策支援系統(SDSS),前端以3D Web GIS ( Skyline TerraExplorer)為操作及展示平台,後端則以ArcObjects進行噪音模式預測計算,並利用ArcGIS Server及Spatial Analyst發布網路空間分析服務,在SOA架構下以Mashup方式,具體將GIS專業分析及3D GIS空間展示能力緊密結合,可做為未來空間決策支援系統發展的基礎架構。Recently, global environmental pollution is going serious, yet traffic noise pollution was ignored by people. In fact, noise can not only cause hearing damages physically, but also can be annoying, affecting our job and sleep quality. The concentration of noise pollution is increasing. Previous research use the convenience and strength in spatial calculation of GIS to improve the accuracy of traditional FHWA traffic noise prediction model. Through the noise level distribution on building in 3D GIS platform, he obtained a good result. However, these modeling, calculation and displaying work flows are base on different professional software and programming techniques. This study integrates the whole processes to build a SDSS ( spatial decision support system ) on traffic noise prediction. The user interface is in a 3D Web GIS platform (Skyline TerraExplorer), the calculation of noise prediction model is programmed with ArcObjects, ArcGIS Server and its Spatial Analyst Extension are used for publishing spatial interpolation web services. Under the Service-Oriented Architecture, the system combines advanced analysis of GIS and 3D displaying simultaneously in a mashup way, which can be an infrastructure for further development in SDSS.4204176 bytesapplication/pdfen-US空間決策支援系統三維地理資訊系統混搭道路交通噪音模式SDSS3DGISMashupRoad Traffic Noise Model[SDGs]SDG123D Web GIS 空間決策支援系統之開發-以台灣道?交通噪音預測為?Development of SDSS in 3D Web GIS-A Case Study in Taiwan Road Traffic Noise Predictionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/248002/1/ntu-99-P97228005-1.pdf