生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 陳郁蕙; 孫立群丁建卿Ding, Chien-ChingChien-ChingDing2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/276024臺灣果菜批發市場自1974年由消費地市場──臺北市,建立拍賣制度起,已逾40餘年,從歷年的臺北農產運銷公司果菜批發市場交易量、價變化情形,可確認果菜拍賣制度的執行,對果菜價格形成、市場集中與分散功能、產銷權益維護、運銷秩序維持等在農產運銷環節,扮演了舉足輕重的角色。對外在環境的改變,如新型通路掘起,市場也早已創新運用現代化的設備因應,例如更新電腦拍賣機、開發掌上型裁價機、承銷人IC晶片承銷章(卡)、自動化感應交易傳票列印機等等,諸多對提升拍賣交易效率、使更趨公平、公正、公開的調整作業方式,都是值得嘉許。 在即有拍賣為主、議價為輔之規模化市場交易制度中,面對倉儲物流業、電商經濟的掘起衝擊,外在環境的改變,如新型通路(電子商務、便利商店、大賣場等)對銷售環節的影響,對批發價格及零售價格,都會是農產品未來決價的改變因素。傳統之批發、零售通路業者,有識者早已將此危機意識,提早列入轉型規劃,本研究即係為配合買方(承銷人)的需求,探研先進日本批發市場交易制度的各項做法,跳脫現有『農產品市場交易法』 (第25條農產品批發市場之交易以拍賣、議價、標價或投標方式為之)在維持產銷雙方合理權益下,所建立的「預約交易制度」,經實施多年後,透過歷年資料統計,分別採差異性分析,觀察參加預約承銷人的分佈與成交量之變化,瞭解預約件數規模、交易果菜品項差異分佈情形、價差顯著性、預約量佔個別承銷人採購量之比例中各項數據;透視批發市場推動符合21世紀本國果菜交易新模式的可行性。 自由市場向來依即有模式運行,對我國農業產銷暨果菜批發交易型態而言更是如此,從各產地批發市場尚依循舊有收取租金營運模式即可證明,對產地而言,生產者與消費者直接面對面交易,此無關乎價格與決價效率;但對長途運輸甚至外銷通路的掌握,即為農產運銷範疇,一向為產官學界長期鑽研之所向。近年來政府大力推動現代化網路科技之運用(蔬果預約交易APP),改善建構完善的市場交易制度,以兼顧產、銷、消三方權益;本文所撰之各項現況與建議,朝向輔導供應人與承銷人,適應市場交易制度,以形成良性競爭與公正的價格之目標。The auction system of Taiwan fruit and vegetable wholesale market was established in 1974 in Taipei. Taipei Agricultural Products Marketing Co., (TAPMC) is the one has accomplished this auction system for more than 40 years. The implementation of this auction system plays a significant role to fruit and vegetable price setting, market concentration, protection of producer and seller’s right, and preservation of shipping and selling order, which can be proved over years. wholesale turnover and price variation in TAPMC. Due to modern distribution channel occurred, TAPMC has upgraded its auction facility, such as computerized auction equipment, palm pricing machine, wholesaler identification, etc., those make the auction system more efficient and fair. To face up the impact of modern logistic, warehousing, and internet marketing, the existing auction system is no longer be applicable. E-commerce, CVS (convenient store), and hypermarkets become important factors on all products new price setting. The traditional wholesalers and retailers are aware and have planned to reform themselves in order to meet new market needs. This surveys the practicing from Japanese reservation transaction system for Taiwan market. After years of implementation, the Taiwan fruit and vegetable reservation transaction system presents valid records and statistic data to show the feasibility of this new trading system. Taiwan fruit and vegetable wholesale market is operating by following existing trading mode, producers pay only rental to local farmers’ market, and it is unrelated to pricing if producers and consumers deal directly. However, for distribution directly to overseas are what the government concern as agricultural economy study. In recent years, the government vigorously promote the application of internet marketing tools (i.e. Fruit and Vegetable Reservation Trading APP), this helps the integration among producers, marketers and consumers in Taiwan fruit and vegetable trading market. Thus, this study takes recommendations toward to assisting producers and wholesalers, and adapting the trading system to a fair and benign competition environment.3864447 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/2論文使用權限: 同意無償授權預約交易制度批發市場Reservation transaction systemWholesale market批發市場水果預約交易制度之分析An Analysis of the Reservation Transaction System in Wholesale Marketthesis10.6342/NTU201601153http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/276024/1/ntu-105-P03627006-1.pdf