陳政位臺灣大學:農業經濟學研究所林盛華Lin, Shen-HuaShen-HuaLin2010-05-112018-06-292010-05-112018-06-292009U0001-1108200917555300http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/182326肉品市場對臺灣的經濟成長扮演重要的角色,隨著國民所得大幅提高,動物性蛋白質需求提高,進而使臺灣的養豬業快速成長。豬肉成為國人主要動物性蛋白質來源,因此養豬業隨著經濟快速成長呈現明顯而大幅的成長,生產規模必須量產至相當的數量才能達到經濟的規模,臺灣由於內需市場有限,難以和國外肉品市場匹敵,而臺灣加入WTO(World Trade Organization)之後,肉品市場面臨更激烈的競爭。 府自民國57年核准民聯公司成立第一家電動屠宰場,此為我國毛猪屠宰由傳統人工走上電宰的第一步。然經過一段實際營運後,發現屠體運輸費時,經常無法適時將屠體送到各地零售市場以確保肉品品質。有鑑於此,政府於民國68年間推動每一縣市設立一個電宰場為原則的「縣市肉品市場計晝」。以改進肉品衛生,提高運銷效率。研究的受評單位扣除臺北市、金門縣後,對另外的22個肉品市場透過資料包絡分析法(DEA)來對22家肉品市場進行效率分析,以建地面積、業務費、市場實用人數及管理費用作為投入變數,交易頭數、管理費收入、屠宰相關費用收入作為產出變數,透過效率分析、敏感度分析,使經營者可以瞭解資源運用是否有效率、肉品市場的生產效率等,以作為決策時的參考,對資源作合適的分配。尤其臺灣面臨外國肉品進口的競爭,因此必須要提高本身的經營效率,才可以增加肉品市場的營利。本研究旨在透過資料包絡法分析肉品市場之經營效率,透過DEA分析各家肉品市場的總技術效率,純技術效率及規模效率值,再配合規模報酬分析其規模之遞增或遞減情況,緊接著執行敏感度分析法。研究結果顯示肉品市場效率值大致呈現逐年上升的趨勢。有一半的肉品市場從規模報酬遞減、規模報酬遞增進展成固定規模報酬情況,達到最適生產規模。顯示這些規模報酬遞增、規模報酬遞減肉品市場,在生產規模上已能拿捏準確。鍵字:資料包絡分析法、經營效率、效率分析、敏感度分析Livestock wholesale-market played a crucial role in Taiwan’s economic growth process. As the GDP grew and the demand for animal protein was on the rise, pig farming industry in Taiwan flourished rapidly. And pork also became the main source of animal protein for Taiwanese. As the pig farming industry grew substantially along with the booming economy, without reaching certain mass production volume, economies of scale wouldn’t be reached. Owing to the limit of Taiwan’s domestic market demand, it would be tough to compete with international livestock wholesale-market After joining WTO (World Trade Organization), livestock wholesale-market in Taiwan even suffered from more severe competition.aiwan’s government approved the first private electric slaughter house in 1968. This was the initial stage for Taiwan’s pig slaughter industry upgraded from traditional manual slaughter to electric way. However, after practical operation for a while, carcass transportation was found time consuming and usually wasn’t able to deliver the pork to retail market in time to ensure the quality. In view of this, the government then set up electric slaughter houses in every county in 1979 based on a new project called “the scheme for county meat industry”, which could improve meat hygiene, transportation and marketing efficiency.xclusive of Taipei City and Kinmen County, the other 22 livestock wholesale-markets were analyzed by DEA (data envelopment analysis) for their efficiency. Constructional area, operating expenses, number of market users and management expenses were taken as input variables. Traded number of pigs, management income and income from slaughter service were considered as output variables. Based on the results of efficiency and sensitivity analyses, managers would know the production efficiency of livestock wholesale-market and whether the resources were applied efficiently. The results could also be taken as the reference for decision making to ensure resources were allocated properly. In particular, Taiwan is facing competition from imported meat, so it is necessary to improve operating efficiency to increase the profit for livestock wholesale-market his study was aimed at using DEA to analyze the operation efficiency in livestock wholesale-market, overall technical efficiency in each market, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency value. And then the returns-to-scale was analyzed to see if the scale was increasing progressively or decreasing progressively, followed by a sensitivity analysis. In general, the results revealed that the efficiency of the livestock wholesale-market was increasing gradually every year. Half of the livestock wholesale-markets were improved from progressively decreasing or increasing returns-to-scale to constant returns-to-scale, which was considered the most suitable operation size for achieving economies of scale, revealing that livestock wholesale-markets of progressively increasing or decreasing returns-to-scale could now control their production scale quite accurately then before.eywords: DEA (data envelopment analysis), Operation Efficiency, Efficiency Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis口試委員審定書 i辭 ii要 iiibstract iv一章 緒論 1一節 研究背景 1二節 研究動機與目的 3二章 肉品市場簡介 5一節 肉品市場歷史沿革 5二節 肉品市場的經營現況 5三章 文獻探討 11一節 臺灣養豬業沿革與現況 11二節 臺灣養豬業面對經營環境相關議題 16三節 研究方法與步驟 18四章 研究方法-資料包絡分析法 20一節 資料包絡分析法簡介 20二節 CCR 模型 23三節 BCC 模型 28四節 差額變數分析 32五節 規模報酬分析 33五章 實證結果分析 35一節 資料來源與變數說明 35二節 相關性分析 37三節 實證結果分析 38四節 Malmquist 生產力指數分析 43五節 敏感度分析 46六章 結論 47一節 結論 47二節 建議 48三節 研究限制與未來研究方向 50考文獻 57application/pdf579263 bytesapplication/pdfen-US資料包絡分析法經營效率效率分析敏感度分析DEAOperation EfficiencyEfficiency AnalysisSensitivity Analysis[SDGs]SDG8[SDGs]SDG11臺灣肉品市場經營效率分析-資料包絡法A Study on the Management Efficiency of ivestock Wholesale-Markets ── DEA Approachthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/182326/1/ntu-98-R95627009-1.pdf