法律學院: 法律學研究所指導教授: 簡資修蔡明家Tsai, Ming-ChiaMing-ChiaTsai2017-03-032018-07-052017-03-032018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2732892015年通過的電子機構支付管理條例為我國網路金融第三方支付服務發展的里程碑,本文從金融和網路的特質探討起,進而討論傳統金融存在金融排斥的問題,金融與網路兩者結合後,新型˙態的網路金融如何能促進普惠金融、金融民主化的達成,更公平的分配金融資源。而金融的發展一向對社會影響甚鉅,本文亦探討合適的網路金融監理方式,本文認為需兼顧金融穩定與金融創新,採取邊發展邊監管,以金融自律為優先是較適宜的監管方式。第三方支付服務作為網路金融發展的一支,值得特別討論是因為支付工具是網路金融發展中促進網路交易安全與累積用戶信用訊息和交易紀錄的核心工具。各國規範均著重於電子支付機構申請設立規範、支付帳戶款項之保護、洗錢防制、使用者身分確認、資訊系統安全、消費者權益等面向,幾大方向均不離維持金融秩序穩定、防制洗錢、保護消費者權益的目的,我國第三方支付專法係參照各國第三方支付法制所訂定,故不脫離這幾大規範方向,本文亦探討第三方支付法制定後,學者與實務界對專法的不足之處作出說明。除了既有的專法規定討論外,本文更進一步討論專法制定後,如何發展網路金融創新以達成普惠金融、金融民主化,本文認為第三方支付平台應妥善利用其所累積的大數據訊息,與電子商務平台進行整合,支付平台以此發展網路金融業務,如轉投資基金或線上小額貸款,轉投資基金使眾人小額資金可發揮到投資的最大效果;而小額貸款則是透過網路信用數據評比的方式,加速貸款之流程與降低違約的風險,使眾人均能擁有依其需求對應之融資工具。此種結合方式本文認為可將其未來發展稱為「平台式金融」,點對點的金融交易平台,由供需雙方在平台上發布資金訊息,藉由交易平台的技術和制定的信評標準媒合供需雙方,最終達成人人金融的狀態。The Electronic Payment Act, promulgated on February 4, 2015, marks a milestone in Taiwan’s development of online third-party payment in the field of Internet finance. This article starts from the characteristics of finance and network to the phenomenon of financial exclusion in traditional finance. It further discusses how integration of finance and network facilitates inclusive finance and financial democracy, allowing a more equitable distribution of financial resources. As financial development always exerts a large impact on the society, it should be appropriately supervised. This article argues that the supervision should balance between financial stability and financial innovation and that self-regulation is a more desirable financial regulatory model. Third-party payment deserves special discussion because the payment procession is the key instrument to secure online transactions as well as accumulate users’ credit information and transaction records. In terms of regulating this specific form in internet finance, Taiwan and countries around the world have focused on the following points — requirements for the establishment of payment processing institutions, prevention of money laundering, protection for the funds, and interests of consumers. The criticism and advice the Act has received from scholars and practitioners are illustrated in paragraphs. In addition to discussions on the current regulations, this article also elaborates the proper ways to develop financial innovation to attain inclusive finance and financial democracy after the enactment of the Act. This article argues that third-party payment platforms should develop investment funds or online micro-lending by leveraging big data and integrating with e-commerce platforms since investment funds maximizes the investment power of small funds while micro-lending accelerates lending process and reduces default risk. In this way, everyone can enjoy suitable financing instruments meeting their needs. Such combination will be known as ""platform of finance"". Both supply and demand sides release trading information and matches are created with the help of technology and credit rating on the platform, reaching the vision of financial instruments accessible for all.論文使用權限: 不同意授權第三方支付網路金融普惠金融金融民主化Internet FinanceThird-Party Paymentfinancial democracyinclusive finance第三方支付法:網路金融之監理與自律Third-Party Payment: Supervision and Self-Regulation of Internet Financethesis10.6342/NTU201600154