生物資源暨農學院: 動物科學技術學研究所指導教授: 林美峰; 王翰聰郭芳瑜Kuo, Fang-YuFang-YuKuo2017-03-032018-06-292017-03-032018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274402本研究之目的旨在研究竹葉採食對小貓熊(Ailurus fulgens)消化表現與後腸發酵狀況的影響,透過測定不同的糞便指標,以建立圈養小貓熊之腸道健康評估指標。為了解竹葉採食對小貓熊消化表現與後腸發酵狀況之季節性影響,以臺北市立動物園之三隻公小貓熊為實驗動物,進行為期一年之試驗。試驗期間每日紀錄採食狀況,每兩週收集一次新鮮糞便樣本,並依樣本型態與組成分為竹葉便、精料便和混合便,進行菌相組成、短鏈脂肪酸和糞便酵素活性的分析。同時亦進行食材收集,分析竹葉的營養成分與次級代謝物。結果顯示三隻個體的竹葉採食量波動幅度大且對孟宗竹具有明顯的偏好,竹葉營養組成之分析結果顯示小貓熊對於竹葉品質相當挑剔。在整個試驗期間,糞便之乳酸桿菌屬和梭狀桿菌屬對總菌數之比例相當穩定,腸球菌屬和大腸桿菌群的比例則多有波動。各酵素具有不同的季節性變化模式,以蛋白酶的活性較為穩定。而糞便短鏈脂肪酸組成以乙酸為主,其次依序為丁酸、異丁酸及丙酸。竹葉便具有較高的腸球菌屬比例(P < 0.05)與較高的酯酶活性(P < 0.05),而內切型纖維素酶則在精料便中有較高的活性(P < 0.05)。另一方面,竹葉採食量與大腸桿菌群之比例呈現負相關,並與外切型纖維素酶活性呈現正相關。綜合以上,乳酸桿菌屬與梭狀桿菌屬之比例、蛋白酶活性與乙酸之比例可作為臺北市立動物園小貓熊合適的檢測指標,而竹葉採食會對小貓熊後腸發酵功能造成影響。The objective of this study was to establish indicators for intestinal health in captive red pandas (Ailurus fulgens). A whole year experiment with three male red pandas in Taipei Zoo were used to investigate the effect of bamboo leaf consumption on animal digestion performance and hindgut fermentation. During the trial period, bamboo leaves consumption was recorded daily and fresh feces were collected biweekly. The collected feces were classified into leaf-type (LF), concentrate-type (CF) and mix-type (MF) by their constituent. The microbiota composition, enzymes activities and concentration of short chain fatty acids (SCFA) of each fecal samples were analyzed. The nutrient composition and secondary metabolites in bamboo leaves were also analyzed. The fluctuating intake of bamboo leaves and distinct preference of Moso bamboo indicated that red pandas were very selective on the quality of food. Analysis of microbiota showed that the ratio of Lactobacillus spp. and Clostridium spp. remained stable throughout the entire experiment. The fecal enzymes activities varied with season, and protease activity was relatively stable. The acetate was the major SCFA, followed by butyrate, isobutyrate and propionate. The types of feces showed significant influence on fecal indicators. The LF had higher Enterococcus spp. ratio (P < 0.05) and higher esterase activity (P < 0.05), while higher endocellulase activity was shown in the CF (P < 0.05). On the other hand, the consumption of bamboo leaves negatively correlated with the ratio of coliform, and positively correlated with exocellulase activity. In conclusion, the ratio of Lactobacillus spp., Clostridium spp. and acetate, and protease activity in feces are credible fecal indicators for red pandas in Taipei Zoo. The varied characteristics in different types of feces and the correlations suggested that consumption of bamboo leaves influenced the fermentation function of red pandas.論文使用權限: 不同意授權小貓熊竹葉菌相糞便酵素活性次級代謝物red pandabamboo leavesmicrobiotafecal enzyme activitysecondary metabolites小貓熊腸道健康指標之建立Establishment of Indicators for Intestinal Health in Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens)thesis10.6342/NTU201602398