楊燿州臺灣大學:機械工程學研究所沈信宏Shen, Hsin-HongHsin-HongShen2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282009U0001-1908200918162800http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/187141本研究利用SOI晶圓,配合微機電製程技術製作微致動器元件,並以微共振器和多功能光通訊元件為例。在微共振器方面,開發懸臂探針梳狀共振器,並具備有高共振頻率、大共振位移量,並可利用懸臂樑傳送射頻(Radio frequency)訊號之新型微致動器元件,以應用於快速掃描射頻穿隧探針顯微鏡(Fast-scanning radio-frequency scanning tunneling microscopy,RFSTM)之發展。懸臂探針梳狀共振器係由靜電式梳狀共振器、支撐樑與懸臂樑所組成,並可利用高頻電壓驅動時,產生共振位移量;在多功能光通訊元件方面,開發新型的雙功能光元件,亦即整合光開關與可調式光衰減器於同一晶片上,以此設計可降低元件尺寸與成本。此元件藉由V型樑電熱致動器配合雙穩態機構可移動鏡面,達成光開關功能;另外藉由電壓驅動V型樑電熱致動器與雙穩態機構,改變鏡面位置,達成光衰減之功能。上述兩元件皆可用單一光罩,並配合SOI(Silicon-on-insulator)晶圓、深反應離子蝕刻製程(Deep reactive ion etching,DRIE)製造。在懸臂探針梳狀共振器初步之實驗量測結果顯示,當輸入0與100伏特方波電壓且頻率為11.8kHz時,共振位移量可達3μm以上;在雙功能光元件量測上,光開關之插入損失在-1?-1.1dB值之間,光衰減值可降至-30dB,串音小於-60dB,鏡面切換時間為4ms以內。In this work, two types of micromachined devices, a micro-resonator and a dual-functioned optical device, are developed by using MEMS techniques. The proposed resonator is used for the application of fast-scanning radio-frequency scanning tunneling microscopy (RFSTM), and the proposed optical device is utilized for the applications in optical communications. The resonator is composed of comb-drive actuators, folded-beam suspensions, and a cantilever. The device is able to generate a large displacement with a desired resonant frequency. On the other hands, the dual-functioned optical device, which consists of four movable mirrors, bi-stable mechanisms, and electrothermal V-beam actuators, can simultaneously perform the capabilities of optical switching and optical attenuating, and thus can reduce the system complexity and the cost. For optical switching, the movable mirrors are driven and latched by the bi-stable mechanisms integrated with electrothermal V-beam actuators. For optical attenuating, the movable mirrors are driven by using the electrothermal effect.oth of the proposed micro-resonator and dual-functioned optical device can be easily realized by using the deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) on a SOI (Silicon-On-Insulator) wafer. The resonator is actuated by applying a square-wave driving voltage on the device. The amplitude and the frequency of the driving square-wave are 100V (zero-to-peak) and 11.8 kHz, respectively. The measured displacement of the resonator is larger than 3μm. The optical performance of the dual-functioned optical device is also investigated. The average of measured insertion losses of the device is -1 ~ -1.1 dB, and the cross-talk is less than -60dB. Also, the measured switching time is less than 4 ms. The measured attenuation ranges are about -30 dB with an applied voltage of less than 20V.致 謝 I 要 IIIbstract IV 錄 V目錄 VII目錄 XI一章 緒論 1.1 前言 1.2 研究動機與目的 1.3 文獻回顧 2.3.1 梳狀共振器 2.3.2 光通訊元件 12.4 論文架構 19二章 理論、設計與分析 20.1 梳狀共振器 20.1.1 梳狀共振器設計與模擬 20.1.2 靜電力分析 22.1.3 支撐樑彎曲效應 23.1.4 阻尼效應 26.2 雙功能光元件 29.2.1 元件操作原理 29.2.2 微致動器設計與模擬 雙穩態機構設計與模擬 V型樑致動器設計與模擬 39三章 製程方法與系統設計 41.1 元件製作流程 41.1.1 光罩設計與製作 45.1.2 基材清洗 46.1.3 微影製程 47.1.4 反應式離子蝕刻 50.1.5 晶圓切割 51.1.6 氫氟酸蝕刻懸浮 51.1.7 金屬蒸鍍 52.2 元件製作成果 54四章 實驗量測與討論 60.1 梳狀共振器量測 60.1.1 量測設備架設 61.1.2 量測結果 62.1.3 實驗量測誤差探討 63.2 雙功能光元件量測 63.2.1 量測設備架設 65.2.2 實驗量測儀器 FLS-300光源 光二極體 66.2.3 光纖組裝與對位 66.2.4 V型樑與雙穩態致動器量測結果 68.2.5 光學特性量測 71五章 結論與未來展望 73.1 結論 73.2 未來展望 73考文獻 755037073 bytesapplication/pdfen-US共振器射頻穿隧探針顯微鏡光開關可調式光衰減器ResonatorRFSTMoptical switchVOA以DRIE技術及SOI晶圓發展體型加工之微機電元件:微共振器和多功能光通訊元件為例Development of Micro-resonator and Dual-function Optical Device Using the DRIE/SOI Processthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/187141/1/ntu-98-R96522720-1.pdf