王榮德臺灣大學:職業醫學與工業衛生研究所劉益宏Liu, Yi-HungYi-HungLiu2007-11-282018-06-292007-11-282018-06-292005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/59866職業傷病的預防、職場傳染病預防與員工身心健康促進與健康管理,均係職業衛生實務工作上可能面對的議題,本研究以三個橫跨傳統與現代,職業衛生工作者可能面對的不同議題,來探討如何針對職業衛生問題,研擬恰當的預防措施,並提供改善建議。本研究所涵蓋的職業衛生議題,包括職業性鼻咽癌的流行病學研究、職場流感疫苗施打之成本效益與最佳受益族群之探討,與高科技勞工高離職率及其影響因素等三項議題。 職業醫學與職業衛生專業工作者在協助不同職場時,應在確定該職場職業衛生問題與健康需求後,針對可能危害予以評估並進行流行病學研究,以利防治措施之研擬,並依勞工健康需求規劃適當職場健康管理與健康促進方案,一方面推展該健康促進方案,同時進行效益評估;本研究並說明在協助公司制定健康政策、建構健康的組織文化時,如何針對安全衛生與人力資源管理,提出可改善勞工工作滿意之建議。 本論文期望呈現職業衛生實務研究之可能效益,包括降低勞工職業病的發生與危害、減少公司非必要或可預防之罹病缺勤、穏定員工降低離職率,並可據以提供適當的職業衛生介入措施,以健康諮詢與心理諮商等服務,協助勞工解決工作生活與身心問題,從而提昇勞工的身心健康。The thesis demonstrates that studies of occupational health practice should deal with different issues of occupational health, ranging from occupational disease prevention and epidemiology study, to workplace health promotion, health management and health policy implementation. There are three studies included in the thesis: the increased morbidity from nasopharyngeal carcinoma among workers of a newspaper printing company, the effectiveness of workplace influenza vaccination program and the determinants of employee turnover in a high tech company. Occupational health professionals should identify occupational health problems and health needs of each workplace and conduct studies before proposing recommendations or preventive measures. Recommendations of occupational health intervention should be based on the result of occupational health studies or finding from hazard assessment. Demonstrating the effectiveness of each intervention is as important as conducting occupational health programs. It is also important to integrate with occupational health and safety and human resources management to propose health policy to improve workers’ satisfaction. The study is expected to demonstrate the benefit of the studies of occupational health practice. These benefits might include reducing the incidence of occupational diseases and injuries, control of sickness absence and reducing employee turnover. The result also supports that health consultation and psychological counseling to assist employees dealing with work life issues should contribute to employees’ physical and mental well-being and quality of work life.第一章 前言 6 第二章 研究目的 8 2.1 論文整體的研究目的 8 2.2研究一:印刷作業與鼻咽癌相關性之研究 8 2.3研究二: 職場流感疫苗施打之成本效益評估 9 2.4 研究三:半導體作業勞工高離職率及其影響因素之 探討 10 第三章 研究方法 12 3.1印刷作業與鼻咽癌相關性之研究 12 3.2職場流感疫苗施打之成本效益評估與最佳受益族群 之研究 12 3.3 半導體作業勞工高離職率及其影響因素之探討 13 第四章 研究成果與論文彙集 15 4.1報社印刷作業致勞工鼻咽癌與慢性咽喉炎/鼻竇炎罹 病率的昇高 15 4.2藉職場流感疫苗施打降低急性呼吸道感染:誰能獲得 最大效益? 37 4.3半導體勞工自願離職變因之探討:針對2676名半導體 勞工五年之世代追蹤研究 55363546 bytesapplication/pdfen-US鼻咽癌印刷作業罹病對比值效益流感疫苗急性呼吸道感染罹病缺勤員工離職半導體業輪班勞工工作壓力存活分析過長工時Nasopharygeal carcinomaPrinting workMorbidity odds ratioEffectivenessInfluenza vaccinationAcute respiratory illnessSickness absenceEmployee turnoverSemiconductor industryShift workersWork stressSurvival AnalysisLong workhours[SDGs]SDG3職業衛生預防方法研究:從傳統到當代職業衛生議題預防措施的研究Study on Preventive Measures of Occupational Health: From Classical to Modern Issuesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/59866/1/ntu-94-D86821008-1.pdf