管理學院: 資訊管理學研究所指導教授: 翁崇雄李孟蓁Lee, Meng-ChenMeng-ChenLee2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275775本研究旨在探討線上電子商務的環境中,滿意度與幸福度,個別對於持續使用意圖與顧客忠誠度的影響,並比較滿意度與幸福度何者較能更準確的預測持續使用意圖與顧客忠誠度此二個重要消費者行為校標。過往的相關文獻中,皆以滿意度作為消費者行為的關鍵前置因子,然而同時也有諸多文獻表明滿意度到忠誠度之間的相關性並非簡單的線性相關,與前人的假設有諸多相異之處,甚至先前文獻也相繼調查此關係中,是否存在著重要的中介或是調節變量,為了更有效率、顯著的理解消費者於最終行為前的預測因素,本研究引用心理學中廣泛應用之幸福度一變量,至消費者行為學領域之中,試圖解釋並驗證幸福度,其囊括了滿意度以及內心感受的評估,涉及功利層面以及享樂層面所產出之消費後的情緒反饋,對消費者的影響力應會相較滿意度來的更加直接且深遠。 綜合上述,實證研究中,本研究回收了為台灣 148 位以及美國 258 位當地受測者的有效問卷,配合信效度檢驗以及利用 IBM AMOS 之結構方程模型檢驗,得出研究模型的驗證結果,本研究歸結的假設及發現如下:(1) 幸福度與忠誠度之間存在著正向且顯著的因果關係。(2) 幸福度相較於滿意度更能有力的推測消費者忠誠度的高低。最終提出本研究之學術和管理實務的相關貢獻與建議。This research aims to discover the impact between satisfaction and happiness toward continuance intention and customer loyalty in e-commerce environments, and compares happiness with satisfaction that which one can predict continuance intention and loyalty more precisely. Prior researches viewed satisfaction as the essential predictor of consumer behaviors. However at the same time, various researches also indicated that the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty are not linear correlation, different from previous hypothesis. Furthermore, some of the prior researches embarked on investigating whether there are major mediations or moderations within this relationship. In order to realize the predicting factors of consumer behaviors more efficiently and accurately, we introduce prevailing variable in psychology, happiness, into the field of consumer behaviors. Attempt to figure out and verify the influence of happiness, which include evaluation of satisfaction and inner feelings, involving emotional feedback in the aspect of utilitarian and hedonic after consumption. The impact of happiness would be more direct and profound toward consumers than satisfaction does. In sum, in the empirical experiment, we totally collect 148 valid questionnaires from Taiwanese and 258 from America locals. With the examination of reliability and validity, we utilize structural equation modeling in the IBM AMOS, and obtain outcomes from the research model. Here are our findings and hypothesis conclusion: (1) Happiness has significant positive effects on loyalty. (2) Comparing with satisfaction, happiness can predict customers’ loyalty more precisely. Ultimately, base on our results, we provide some relevant suggestions for academy and practice.1968159 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)電子商務滿意度幸福度忠誠度持續使用意圖功利價值享樂價值E-commerceSatisfactionHappinessLoyaltyContinuance intentionUtilitarian valueHedonic value[SDGs]SDG12探討電子商務中幸福度與滿意度對於忠誠度、持續使用意圖的影響Examine the difference influence between happiness and satisfaction toward loyalty and continuance intention in E-commercethesis10.6342/NTU201601236http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275775/1/ntu-105-R03725012-1.pdf