神經科LEE, SHIN-MINSHIN-MINLEECHIU, HOU-CHANGHOU-CHANGCHIULIN, MING-IHMING-IHLINLIAN, LI-MINGLI-MINGLIANCHANG, YANG-CHYUANYANG-CHYUANCHANGCHEN, RONG-CHIRONG-CHICHEN2009-01-192018-07-122009-01-192018-07-121994http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/99637  Neuromuscular disease may occur in all stages of Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. HIV may affect both the peripheral nerve and muscle early in the course of infection and resulting a latent or overt clinical feature. The mostd common myopathy in HIV-seropositive patients is the HIV-associated polymyositis, which presents early in the infection of during the course of AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ). We present a 33-year-old male Chinese who had the history of proximal weakness without proper iiagnosis for 4 years and was found HIV- seropositive recently. A latest muscle biopsy dispsy disclosed degenerating and regenerating muscle fibers, fiber size variation, central nucleation and some focal inflammatory cells infiltration which are compatible with inflammatory myopathy. The results of electromyogtaphy were also compatible with myopathic changes. Pneumocystic catinii pneumonia and leukopenia with prominent CD8+T cells lymphocyte subpopulation were found in the mean time. We believe this is the first docummented Chinese native with HIV-associated myopathy in Taiwan.#0091#en-US[SDGs]SDG3Hiv-Associated Myopathy: A Native Chinese Case Report