洪梅珠簡珮如盧虎生2009-12-302018-07-112009-12-302018-07-112000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/175721利用30個秈稉稻品種,探討品種間米飯食味特性之差異,及其與醇溶性及鹼溶性蛋白質間之相關關係,以供為選拔優良食味品系之參考。結果發現米飯的外觀、香味、口感、黏度、硬度及食味總評在品種間有顯著差異存在,稉稻的米飯外觀、口感及食味總評顯著優於秈稻,米飯的黏度亦顯著比秈稻高,但米飯的硬度則顯著比秈稻低。若將參試的水稻品種區分為台灣稉稻、日本稉稻、台灣秈稻(低直鏈澱粉含量)、台灣秈稻(高直鏈澱粉含量)及irri 秈稻等五個類型時,發現米飯的食味總評以台灣秈稻(高直鏈澱粉含量)最差,irri 秈稻次之,而以日本稉稻最佳。一般米飯的外觀佳、口感好、黏度強及硬度小的品種,其食味較佳。Thirty indica and japonica rice varieties were used to investigate the variation of palatability characteristics among varieties, and then to explore its relationship with glutein and prolamin contents of rice grains. The information may provide useful criteria for breeders for selecting the lines with better palatability. The results showed that there were significant differences among varieties in appearance, aroma, flavor, cohesion, hardness and overall sensory of cooked rice. In general, the appearance, flavor, and overall sensory of japonica varieties were better than those of indica varieties. Cohesion of japonica varieties was higher than that of indica varieties, but the hardness was lower than that of indica varieties. Among five different types of varieties (Taiwan japonica rice, Japan japonica rice, Taiwan indica rice with low amylose content, Taiwan indica rice with high amylose content and IRRI rice), Taiwan indica rice with high amylose content had the worst overall sensory. Japan japonica rice had the best overall sensory.application/pdf316628 bytesapplication/pdf稻米醇溶性蛋白質鹼溶性蛋白質米飯食味RiceGlutelinProlaminePalatability米飯食味特性與白米醇溶性及鹼溶性蛋白質間相關之研究journal articlehttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/175721/1/25.pdf