2010-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/643073摘要:連續大地震的發生時間可以作為探討地震發生機制,以及評估地震災害潛勢的依據。但是,同一條斷層能由直接觀察或紀錄到連續的大地震事件是非常困難的(除非大地震週期非常短,如聖安地列斯斷層的大地震週期為150-120年),因此古地震研究是唯一可以獲得連續多次大地震事件的方法。本研究方法主要著重於斷層與地形的調查並從事古地震研究,乃為探討斷層的長期滑移速率與大地震再現週期。 台灣島受到菲律賓海板塊與歐亞大陸碰撞擠壓形成的造山帶,現今在西部麓山帶中形成許多朝西的逆衝斷層,以及東部碰撞帶中的板塊邊界斷層,這兩個區域是現今台灣造山帶中地震最活躍的構造區。從大地觀測資料(geodetic data)分析,顯示西部麓山帶與東部碰撞帶的每年地殼聚合速率各約為30 mm/yr,各佔台灣島西北方向壓縮量的45%。在快速的壓縮作用下,推測這種構造環境下斷層發生大地震的再現週期可能非常短促。由於這些區域斷層活動性研究資料非常欠缺,因此此計畫研究目的為檢驗這些區域斷層的活動性。 本年度主要研究的活動斷層計有湖口斷層、梅山斷層、大尖山斷層與恆春斷層為優先調查對象,共4條斷層進行斷層長期滑移速率與再現週期研究。另外,若有適當且有急迫性調查的斷層亦可以作為本年度的研究對象。 <br> Abstract: The behavior of a large earthquake from consecutive events has important implications for earthquake mechanics and hazard assessment. It has been difficult to investigate repeat faulting from direct observations, and paleoseismic data can identify faulting over two or more consecutive events. In this study, we focus on the paleoseismic, geomorphologic and geologic investigations across the active fault in order to assess long-term slip rate and earthquake recurrence interval. The ongoing collision between Philippine Sea and Eurasian plates has produced several west-verging thrust faults on the fold-and-thrust belt in the western Taiwan and the collision zone in the eastern Taiwan. Global positioning system (GPS) data in the fold-and-thrust belt and collision zone have proved that the Western Foothills and Coastal Range are converging at a velocity of 30 mm/yr and 30 mm/yr, respectively. It indicates that the two tectonic domains are responsible for about 45% and 45% of the north-west shortening, respectively. We suspect that from the great shortening rate that earthquake may recur at short intervals. However, because there are few reliable data for the most recent events in the two area in terms of recurrence interval and long-term slip rate based on the paleoseismologic study, The study proposes to examine the behavior of active faults to determine whether this is in fact the case. Study of long-term slip rate and recurrence interval for the active faults in the current year, there is the active fault of the northern segment of Hukou, Tachienshan, Meishan, and Hengchun faults, in order to first priority.長期滑移速率地震再現週期地震潛勢評估long-term slip raterecurrence intervalearthquake hazard assessment斷層長期滑移速率與再現週期研究(4/4)