葛煥彰Keh, Huan-Jang臺灣大學:化學工程學研究所尋歆怡Hsun, Hsin-IHsin-IHsun2010-06-302018-06-282010-06-302018-06-282008U0001-2307200816503100http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/186904本文係以理論分析一球形對稱複合液滴於孔洞中,施予一均勻的外加溫度梯度,在Peclet數和Reynolds數很小的限制條件下的熱毛細泳動現象,此球形對稱複合液滴定義為內含一同心小液滴的球形液滴,並假設此複合液滴在運動中均維持球形而不變形。 吾人利用球座標系統求解其能量與動量主導方程式。由解析解及數值結果呈現各不同黏度比、熱傳導度比、內外液滴半徑比、與液滴和孔壁距離對複合液滴熱毛細泳動速度的影響。由結果顯示,無論系統的輸送及尺寸相關參數,孔洞的存在恆使液滴的熱毛細泳動速度下降。一般而言,在適當的情況下,孔洞的邊界效應對複合液滴的熱毛細運動有相當重要的影響。An analytical study is presented for the quasisteady thermocapillary migration of a spherically symmetric compound drop, defined as a spherical fluid drop with a small concentric fluid droplet inside it, situated at the center of a spherical cavity in the limit of negligible Peclet and Reynolds numbers. The applied temperature gradient is constant, and both the drop and the droplet are assumed to retain their spherical shape. To solve the thermal and hydrodynamic governing equations, the general solutions are constructed from the fundamental solutions in spherical coordinates. Analytical results and numerical values for the thermocapillary migration velocity of the compound drop relative to that under identical conditions in an unbounded fluid are presented for various values of the relative viscosity and thermal conductivity of the drop as well as the relative separation distance between the drop and the confining cavity. The presence of the cavity always reduces the drop velocity, irrespective of the relative transport properties of the drop. In general, the boundary effects of the cavity wall on the themocapillary motion of a compound drop can be quite significant in appropriate situations.Chapter 1 Introduction 1hapter 2 Analysis 6.1 Temperature distribution 8.2 Fluid velocity distribution 9.3 Derivation of the droplet velocity 10hapter 3 Results and Discussion 13.1 Motion of a compound drop in an unbounded fluid 13.2 Motion of a simple drop in a concentric cavity 14.3 Motion of a compound drop in a concentric cavity 14hapter 4 Concluding Remarks 25otation 26eferences 29ppendix A Derivation of Some Equations in Chapter 2 32iographical Sketch 35324246 bytesapplication/pdfen-US複合液滴熱毛細泳邊界效應compound dropthermocapillary motionboundary effect複合液滴於球形孔洞中的熱毛細泳動Thermocapillary Motion of a Compound Drop in a Concentric Spherical Cavitythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/186904/1/ntu-97-R95524069-1.pdf