2006-04-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/665134摘要:I 在教學方面包括: 1 完成課程之修訂,強化基礎課程,增加選課之彈性,以加強學生分析整合化工程序以適應各種新興領域發展之能力,預定於95學年度完成。 2 推動建立完整外籍研究生招生辦法,逐年招收優秀之外籍碩、博士班學生,預定於95學年度完成。 3 延攬優秀知名學者至化工系講學訪問,預計來訪人數每年至少20人次。 4 鼓勵推動實驗室對實驗室、系對系之學生國際交流活動。 5 推動工程教學認證。 II 在研究方面包括: 1 積極延聘傑出人才,改善軟硬體設備,建立化工系儀器管理系統,預計於95學年度完成。 2 增強化工相關重要專業領域的基礎及應用研究,鼓勵推動專任教師與國內外學術研究機構及相關產業界密切合作。 3 鼓勵專任教師發表期刊論文,質量均衡,使平均每人每年至少於國際著名SCI期刊發表五篇論文,或全化工系每年發表國際著名SCI期刊論文至少達150篇。 4 平均每年主辦一次化工相關之重要國際學術會議或研習會。 <br> Abstract: The project is to upgrade the overall performance of the Chemical Engineering Department (hereafter referred to as the Department) at National Taiwan University by carrying out the following items: I. In education (1) modify the current student curricula through strengthening the basic training courses and increasing the scope of the selected courses so as to strengthen the students’ abilities to adopt themselves to the ever-changing industrial demands. (2) establish the policy for recruiting and enrollment of foreign students. (3) invite well-established foreign scholars to visit the Department and give lectures (4) promote lab-to-lab or department-to-department student-exchange with foreign schools (5) participate education accreditation. II. In research, (1) recruit new faculties and improve research hardware facilities (2) promote research cooperation between faculties and industry (3) promote academic publication among faculties so that the total publication reaches 5 SCI papers per year for every faculty (4) organize chemical engineering-related international conference at least once per year學術提升化工領域performance excellenceeducationChemical Engineering學術領域全面提升/工學院/化工領域提升分項計畫