國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所吳瑞北2006-07-262018-07-052006-07-262018-07-052002-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20253本研究計畫第一年的重點共分為兩部 分,第一部份在於研究共面波導至矩形波導的 模向轉接,第二部分則是有關基本的共面波導 覆晶轉接。在第一部份中,首先,我們將共面 波導至矩形波導的轉接設計在X頻段,並以實 作驗證我們的理論,得到反射損耗在15dB 以 下的頻寬約有40%左右,和傳統的轉接架構比 較起來,此轉接是個極為寬頻的轉接;接著我 們將這個轉接設計在Ka 頻段,也得到相同的 寬頻轉接。在第二部分中,我們探討了共面波 導覆晶轉接的等效電路,並且萃取其等效電路 參數;基於這些萃取的參數,使我們瞭解轉接 的特性,進而設計出極為寬頻的覆晶轉接。In the first year, the project emphasize at two parts. One is the transition from the Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) to the rectangular waveguide (RWG) and the other is the transition of flip-chip. For the CPW to RWG transition, the transition realized in the X-band has a bandwidth of 40% in which the insertion is better than 15dB. Compared with the traditional CPW to RWG transition, the bandwidth is very large and the size of transition is small. Also, the idea is extended to the Ka-band and a good performance of CPW to RWG transition is obtained. For the flip-chip transition, we proposed an equivalent circuit for the transition and extracted the equivalent circuit parameters in it. Based on the extracted parameters, a wideband flip-chip transition is designed and verified.application/pdf621045 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學電信工程學研究所共面波導金屬波導覆晶轉接收發模組coplanar waveguidemetallic waveguideflip-chip interconnecttransciever共面波導之轉接(1/3)Coplanar Waveguide Transition(1/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20253/1/902219E002005.pdf