2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714890The institute established its M.S. and Ph.D. programs in toxicology in 1990 and 1993, respectively, with the objectives to train toxicology professionals for academia, industry, and government institutions, to promote toxicological teaching, research and service, and to improve public health. Toxicology is a discipline that combines the principles of biology and chemistry to investigate the underlying mechanisms responsible for the adverse effects on biological systems and to assess the probability of risk. The main results of toxicology studies will provide better understanding and help create preventive and therapeutic measures of acute and chronic toxicities associated with toxic substances of natural and artificial origins. The toxicological research activities include investigation of mechanism of toxicity; evaluation, screening and prevention of toxicity; description of carcinogenicity and teratogenicity; and characterization of metabolic, morphological, and physiological abnormalities. The recurring incidents of environmental pollution, drug abuse, and food poisoning strongly emphasize the need for an accelerated development of toxicological research to contribute in maintaining the public health and economic growth of the society. Toxicological teaching, research, and service require adequate faculty, funds, and facilities. The faculty of the institute consists of six professors and associate professors, and an instructor. The faculty members are conduction research in the areas of biochemical and molecular toxicology, genetic toxicology, immunotoxicology, neurotoxicology, and environmental toxicology. These research programs are funded by twelve grants from the National Science Council, Administration of Health, and Environmental Protection Administration with a sum exceeding ten million NT dollars. The institute has published more than eighty papers and abstracts in local and international scientific journals and meetings in the past three years. The institute is well equipped and has free access to the Instrument Center, Animal Center, and other facilities provided in the College of Medicine. The institute also collaborates with toxicological researchers who research in different locations throughout the college and in other institutions.臺大醫學院於民國79年及82年分別成立毒理學研究所碩士班及博士班,設立宗旨在培育毒理學人才,以供國內學術界、產業界及政府機關毒理學專業人員的需求;以及加強毒理學之研究,裨益國民健康,提高我國毒理學之學術水準及國際地位。 毒理學乃融合生物及化​學原理,以探討毒性物質危害生物系統之機制,並評估產生危害的機率。生態環境中,毒物可由生物界及礦物界自然產生,或因人為科技及產業發展而產生。 毒理學之重要功能在於暸解、預防及研究治療突發或潛在性毒物及因而產生之中毒,其中包括 : 毒物產生過程及性質、其化學檢驗與分析方法;毒物對人體及生物系統之危害,如生理機能、形態、新陳代謝之異常,或是致癌性及致畸胎性之形成;毒性產生危害之過程、機轉及治療等。 毒理學之研究、毒藥物之檢驗與管理之妥善與否關係著國民健康、經濟發展與國家興衰。近幾年來國內有關毒藥物之使用與因有毒物質而導致之食品中毒案件層出不窮,毒理學之加速發展已不容忽視。 本所負責毒理學相關課程之教學,課程內容涵括大學部、碩士班及博士班,研究所課程方面,除論文之外尚開設毒理學專題討論、基礎毒理學、環境毒理與醫學、實驗毒理學、分子毒理學、臨床毒理學等課程,且正積極準備開設其他有關毒理學的選修課程,以增加學生們選修學習的機會。大學課程方面,開設全校性共同選修課程『毒理學概論』課程。此外我們亦定期邀請國內、外之著名學者專家到校演講,除學術交流、增廣教學研究外,更將相關之毒理資訊傳播給參與的聽眾群。 ​本所現有教授及副教授以上專兼任與合聘教師15人,進行生化毒理、分子毒理、免疫毒理、神經毒理、環境毒理等項目之研究工作;博士班研究生21名,碩士班研究生20人。近三年來,師生之研究成果發表於國內外期刊及會議中者達百餘篇,成績斐然。 毒理所中長程發展計劃有以下四項: 毒理體學(toxicomics)及毒理資訊學(toxicoinformatics)之建立: 將進一步以新一代基因定序(next-generation sequence)及代謝體(metabolomics)相關技術進行毒理基因體(toxicogenomics)之研究。 建立國內外毒理研究與教學合作(中研院, 國衛院, 高醫, UC Davis, MD Anderson…etc), 並推展產學合作毒理試驗。 毒理研究中心之成立與運作(建立實驗室認證)。並與法醫、急診醫學科、及藥學系所合作成立"毒藥物鑑定暨檢驗中心"◦ 建立毒理學專業證照之制度及成立毒理學程。從教育與研究持續培育毒理學人才,以供國內學術界、產業界及政府機關毒理學專業人員的需求;以及加強毒理學之研究,裨益國民健康,提高我國毒理學之學術水準及國際地位。​​ToxicologyAcademic Institute