陳榮河2006-07-252018-07-092006-07-252018-07-091998http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2660新中橫公路為本省著名之景觀道路,其 沿線由於地形、地質、水文等自然環境特 殊,加上近年來公路興築、墾殖等人為開 發,使得公路常易於颱風豪雨季節時,發生 坍方、落石、土石流等邊坡破壞,不僅造成 公路交通受阻,更造成了人民與財產的損 失。 根據調查台21 線段沿線78 處坡地破壞 地點與25 處土石流發生地點之結果,得知 本區域坡地破壞及土石流發生之特性。經進 一步探討,發現坡地破壞之可能原因主要為 植生狀況、地質因素(岩性、地質構造、崩 積層)、雨量、人為開發、自然風化等;而 土石流發生之可能原因主要為水文因素(雨 量、集水區面積)、溪谷坡度、地質因素、 人為開發與利用、公路興建、崩塌地等。這 些影響因素發生的頻率均以統計表列出,提 供參考。The New East-West Cross Highway is a famous scenic road in Taiwan. However, due to its specific unfavorable nature of topology, geology, hydrology, as well as road construction and reclamation made in recent years, its vicinities has suffered many landslides, rockfalls, and debris flows during Typhoon seasons or in heavy rainfall days. The disasters not only broke down traffic but also caused many deaths and property loss. Hence, the remedial study is very importance. According to the reconnaissance on Tai-21 route of this highway, there were seventy-eight landslide and twenty-five debris flow locations selected for investigation. By looking into more details, the failure types and causes were identified. From this study, the influence factors can be summarized that include vegetation conditions, geological conditions (rock property, geological structure, and colluvial deposit), precipitation, man activities, natural weathering, etc. On the other hand, the causes to debris flows include hydologcical conditions (precipitation, catchment area), river bed slope, geological factors, man activities, road constructions, old landslide, etc. The occurrence of these factors is presented by percentage in tables for reference.application/pdf40800 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所邊坡破壞調查新中橫公路Slope FailuresInvestigationNew East-West Cross Highway新中橫公路沿線地質災害之研究─(子計畫四)新中橫公路邊坡破壞機制及防治之研究reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2660/1/872116M002026.pdf