生物資源暨農學院: 農業經濟學研究所指導教授: 雷立芬許馨云Hsu, Shin-YunShin-YunHsu2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2757192015年為我國「行動金融元年」,本研究特以S銀行所管轄的國內68家分行為研究對象,運用資料包絡分析法投入導向模型探討各分行櫃檯的效率,另以產出導向模型探討各分行的效率。最後,Tobit迴歸模型剖析環境變數包括行動網銀覆蓋率與分行主管學歷對於分行經營效率的影響。行動網銀覆蓋率為各分行客戶開通手機行動網路銀行功能佔全部帳戶數量之百分比。 本研究先以櫃檯人數為投入項,外匯手續費收入與交易筆數為產出項,以投入導向之DEA模型探討各家分行櫃檯之效率,並以差額變數分析評估各家分行櫃檯人數可能減少之數量。研究發現68家分行當中有3家分行之櫃檯具有技術效率,達到規模效率之分行有7家。規模報酬遞增之分行超過半數,共有45家,其餘15家分行則為規模報酬遞減,顯示大多數的分行櫃檯的投入產出配置仍有改善空間。 本研究探討之環境變數,結果發現行動網銀覆蓋率對於分行技術效率與規模有顯著負面影響,分行主管學歷對於分行效率之影響則無達到顯著。推論S銀行未能配合覆蓋率提高而同時有效降低分行成本,因此尚無法呈現數位金融化的優勢。未來應該還要持續改善行動網銀功能,以及完整考量與實體分行的分工,才能獲得數位金融化的好處。2015 is Taiwan’s “First Financial Mobile Year”, the study examines 68 domestic branches governed by S bank by using an input-oriented DEA model to know branch tellers’ efficiency, and use an output-oriented DEA model to analyze the branch efficiency. Lastly, the Tobit regression model analyzes the impact of external environment variables, including the coverage of mobile banking and the academic degree of the branch manager. The coverage of mobile banking is the percentage of each branch’s bank accounts, which customers have activated the mobile banking function to the number of all bank accounts. The study use the number of tellers as input, the foreign exchange commission and the number of transactions as output sets, then use an input-oriented DEA model to analyze the efficiency of tellers, then evaluate the possible reduce number of tellers by means of slack variable analysis. The study finds out that of all the 68 branches, 3 branches’ tellers are technical efficient, 7 branches’ tellers are scale efficient. More than half braches, 45 of them are increasing returns to scale, the rest 15 branches are decreasing returns to scale, which means there are space of improvement. The external environment variables results show that the coverage of mobile banking has a significant negative impact on branch''s technical efficiency and scale efficiency while the academic degree of the branch manager does not have statistically significant impact on branch efficiency. It means S bank did not lower the cost while raising up the coverage of mobile banking, so the advantages of digital banking are not yet displayed. In the future, it should continue to improve the functions of mobile banking, as well as completely considerate of the division work with entity branch, to obtain the benefits of digital banking.論文使用權限: 不同意授權數位金融化經營效率銀行分行資料包絡分析Tobit迴歸digital bankingefficiencybank branchData Envelopment AnalysisTobit regression analysis數位金融化對銀行分行效率的影響The Impact of Digital Banking Policy on Efficiency among Bank Branchesthesis10.6342/NTU201600482