2006-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/678974摘要:在本計畫中,擬合成製備一系列具高敏感應答性質之螢光環境應答高分子刷狀材料,以檢測不同的環境特性與物質。此新穎材料將同時包括對不同環境特性與物質應答與具有螢光鏈段之分子設計與合成。其次將利用表面起始之活性聚合法在各種不同表面上進行製備,包括平面基材(玻璃或矽晶圓)、顆粒表面、或黏土表面,並分析其於有機溶劑之穩定性。所製備高分子刷狀材料之表面結構隨環境刺激所產生之變化將下列實驗技術進行鑑定,如接觸角量測、表面化學結構分析、與原子力顯微鏡等。此外並將藉由分子模擬理論分析對其在不同環境刺激下的表面特徵以佐證實驗所得之結果。進而建立螢光特性-表面結構型態之關係。最後將實際應用於各種環境參數與化學物質之檢測上,包括溫度、酸鹼值、金屬離子、與DNA序列等。並將研究其敏感度及選擇性,以應用為新ㄧ代感測材料元件。<br> Abstract: In this proposed project, novel stimuli-responsive fluorescent polymer brushes will be prepared and characterized for sensing environmental parameters, such as temperature, pH value, metal ions, and DNA sequences. Molecular design and synthesis of stimuli-responsive and fluorescent polymer blocks will be carried by living polymerization on initiator-modified surfaces, including planar surfaces (glasses or Si wafers), colloids, and clays. The dispersion of the modified substrates in organic solvents will be also investigated. The characteristics on the surface structures of the prepared polymer brushes will be studied by contact angle, ESCA, AFM, etc. Molecular simulation on the surface structures of polymer brushes will provide fundamental insight on the variation of surface structure with environmental stimulating conditions. The fluorescence-surface structure relationships on the polymer brushes will be thus established. Then, the applications of the prepared polymer brushes in sensing different stimuli parameters, including temperature, pH value, metal ions, and DNA sequences, will be investigated to justify the sensory characteristics, including sensitivity, selectivity, and reversibility. The ultimate goal of the proposed project is to develop new generation sensing materials based on polymer brushes.優勢重點領域拔尖計畫/工學院/新穎環境應答材料極其感測應用