生物資源暨農學院: 生物產業傳播暨發展學研究所指導教授: 陳玉華陳奕潔Chen, Yi–JieYi–JieChen2017-03-022018-06-292017-03-022018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272433 若夫妻無法透過自然或人工生殖技術獲得子女時,就需要考慮收養子女,儘管現代收養法令與制度已日趨完備,但依賴親族血緣聯繫的傳統過繼行為卻仍是臺灣社會相當普遍的收養類型。為檢視影響臺灣家庭偏好親戚收養的可能因素,本文嘗試從已婚女性的角度觀察,探討在男性為主的華人家庭場域中,家庭成員在面臨收養行為時是如何思考與做出決策,與這些決策過程受到華人文化背景的影響程度,而收養人心理需求、個別家庭特質、夫妻與家庭社會經濟地位和婚後居住型態經過共同作用後,對於收養過程又會產生何種影響。 研究資料來自以半結構式訪談有收養經驗的已婚女性之敘說資料作為分析素材。藉由訪談實際執行收養行為之女性,瞭解女性在家庭中的決定權與話語權,從而探討在傳統父權體系下,女性對於整個家庭的權力與影響力,以及家庭成員維繫父系傳承的強度。本研究藉由從傳統父權理論到西方相對資源論等家庭權力理論,探討在女性教育程度與職業聲望提高的現今,是否有助於在收養事件上的參與,進而瞭解傳統華人家庭權力是否產生變化。All these years, fertility rate in the society in Taiwan is declining. Does this phenomenon explain the changes of fertility for Taiwanese? This research is going to understand the husband and wife that are unable to give birth by them self, if they want to have a child what actions and behavior should they have. This research is going to understand the actions and behavior that will be done by the couple with infertile problem. We can observe the reaction of couple towards adoption due to infertility with this study. We can observe the adoption behavior due to infertile problem of couple in this study. In the society of Taiwan, if the husband and wife can’t get their children through natural method or artificial reproductive technology, they might consider the adoption of children. Even though the adoption statute in Taiwan has become increasingly comprehensive, the adoption of relatives is quite common type of adoption in Taiwan. In order to explain why Taiwanese family prefer the adoption of relatives, this paper attempt to investigate the adoption behavior under the male-centered family system from the perspective of married women. Under this background, we can investigate how the members in family make the decision of adoption and how much will be affected by Chinese culture. In the adoption process, we can also understand how much the decision will be affected by psychological requirement, individual family characteristic, family economic status and living style of marriage. Data are taken from interviewing with 10 married women who have the adoption experience. By interviewing the adopting female, we can understand the right of discretion(decision-making) and the right of discourse(speak) in their family. We can also realize the women’s impact in the male-centered family system. In conclusion, this research investigates the change of family authority by the participation in adoption event of female with the improvement of educational level and job location nowadays.1777517 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/7/6論文使用權限: 同意無償授權收養過繼父系父權家庭權力AdoptionAdoption of relativesPatriarchyFamily power父系傳承制度下的收養決策及其變遷:婦女的角度Changing Adoption Practices under the Male-Centered Family System: The Female Perspectivethesis10.6342/NTU201600299http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272433/1/ntu-105-R02630003-1.pdf