臺灣大學: 人類學研究所陳有貝王儷螢Wang, Li-YingLi-YingWang2013-03-192018-05-292013-03-192018-05-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247050筆者以宜蘭淇武蘭遺址出土的裝飾性遺物作為研究對象,裝飾性遺物係指裝飾於人身上的器物。淇武蘭遺址年代序列屬於鐵器時代,依據層位與內容物可以區分為上下兩個文化層,下文化層在距今1300至800年前之間,上文化層則在600到100年前之間。其中,上文化層為筆者最主要的研究內容,且根據文獻記載可知為早期的噶瑪蘭族。 遺址中的裝飾品出土大量且種類繁多,其中絕大多數為瑪瑙、玻璃、金屬材質的外來飾品,骨、木、貝質飾品則相對較少,且應為自製。筆者同時關注時間與空間下的裝飾品分布以理解其使用方式,首先以型制功能區分裝飾品作為研究的基礎資料,接著分析比較不同的出土脈絡以呈現裝飾品在不同情境下的展現,並透過裝飾品與人骨間的關係分析配戴方式。在討論過程中同時與文獻資料進行相互印證,試圖從各個面向呈現出淇武蘭社會本身對於裝飾品的內在觀點。 結果顯示出淇武蘭社會中在西班牙、荷蘭人進入之前,早已存在一套對於裝飾品的認知概念與分類原則。裝飾普遍擁有財富、聲望的意涵,其中的瑪瑙珠、金屬鈴鐺似乎在喪葬行為中有其身分意味,同時瑪瑙珠也呈現出與其他裝飾品不同的特殊性,有傳世的可能,其餘飾品則是有價值上的程度差異。突顯出飾品種類雖多,但淇武蘭人確實有其分類與區辨原則,並將外來飾品與自製飾物組合使用,這些證據皆呈現出淇武蘭人本身的能動性與主觀意識。 最後,立基在淇武蘭人本身對於裝飾品的認知上,可以進一步理解十七世紀臺灣北部貿易網絡中人群的互動關係。遺址中的大量外來飾品不僅是外來勢力帶來的貿易興盛,其中更反映了不同人群間的交易需求。This thesis focuses on the personal ornaments which decorate the human bodies or clothing from the Ki-Wu-Lan Site in the I-lan Plain. The Ki-Wu-Lan Site provides excellent materials for discussing the role of the ornaments in the local culture. There are two culture layers of the site, the Upper Culture Layer is 600-100 B.P. and the Lower Culture Layer is 1300-800 B.P., all belong to the Iron Age. The ornaments from the Upper Layer Culture are my main research target. According to the ethnography and historical documents, the people of this period are Kavalan. There were large quantity and various ornaments excavated from this site. Most ornaments were exotic materials, which made of agate, glass and metal. However there are still a small part of bone, wood and shell ornaments which were made by local people. In this thesis, I focus on both temporal and spatial distribution of the ornaments in order to understand how people use them. Firstly, I classify the ornaments by there functions to establish the database, and then compare ornaments from different contexts for discussing the characters and the way of wearing, and the prevalence of decorations. Secondly, I crossly compare the archaeological materials and documents, trying to present the inner perspectives of ornaments from local people. It is concluded that the Ki-Wu-Lan society had their own cognition and rule of classification of ornaments before the 17th century, when the outside forces such as Spanish and Holland people came to Taiwan with lots of exotic goods. Not just for decorating, most ornaments have their prestige and property meanings. The agate beads and one kind of small bells even associated with women and children for identity, and the other ornaments also have their value meanings in this culture. Through rearranging the exotic ornaments with local materials, local people displayed their own agency. Finally, the view of the Ki-Wu-Lan society about ornaments can reveal the interaction and trade network in northern Taiwan. Large quantities of ornaments excavated from the site reflect not only the blooming business, which resulted from the outsiders, but also showed the inner exchange requirements among local ethnic groups.en-US淇武蘭遺址噶瑪蘭族外來飾品瑪瑙珠十七世紀Ki-Wu-Lan SiteKavalanexotic ornamentsagate beads17th century宜蘭淇武蘭遺址出土裝飾品之相關研究A research of ornaments excavated at Ki-Wu-Lan Site, I-lanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247050/-1/ntu-100-R97125008-1.pdf