2009-05-202024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/671031摘要:隨著國際局勢冷戰氛圍的退卻、我國威權體制的民主轉型,乃至於經濟全球化的推波助瀾,台灣所面對的內外政經環境,可以說是出現劇烈的變化。而在此情勢下,我國必須重行檢討政府組織架構,以應內外時局所趨。 本計畫的目的,乃在於重新檢討「台灣省政府」的組織定位,以及所應扮演的功能;並且試圖提出未來可資選擇的變革方向,讓既有的組織建制得以轉型,以強化其組織效能。 <br> Abstract: The weakening and dissipation of Cold War blocs, increasing democratization of domestic political systems, and economic globalization have presented Taiwan with extreme changes in terms of both internal and external political and economic environments. Such new conditions have made Taiwan rethink its functions as well as to reengineer government organizational structures to meet new domestic and foreign priorities. The goal of this research is to re-examine the organization, function and orientation of Taiwan Provincial Government. This report will point out some directions for future reform, strengthening the effectiveness of this organization.台灣省政府功能組織改造Taiwan Provincial Governmentorganization functionorganization reform臺灣省政府應有之功能及職掌