2009-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/680158摘要:「協同適應型複合基因組」為染色體上彼此連鎖且生物功能相關的基因。控制番茄柱頭突出於筒狀雄蕊外的數量性狀基因座se2.1 已在先前的研究中被認為是一個「協同適應型複合基因組」(Chen & Tanksley, 2004, Genetics 168: 1563-1573),因為se2.1所包含的五個連鎖基因皆能影響柱頭突出於筒狀雄蕊外的程度,而其中控制雌蕊長度的Style2.1 基因也已經被確認(Chen, et al., 2007, Science 318: 643-645) 。 本研究計畫之目的在利用關聯式遺傳定位的方法探討se2.1複合基因組的遺傳組成份與遺傳變異。關聯式遺傳定位的方法是利用總合生物體演化過程中所有世代所發生的遺傳重組,建立外表型與基因型的關聯性,並藉此界定控制外表型之遺傳變異在染色體上的細部位置。本計畫將使用200 份(accession) 野生番茄種原探討Style2.1 基因附近染色體區段之遺傳變異與花形態之外表型變異的關聯性。另外,100個隨機選擇的分子標誌於200份野生番茄種原的基因型,將被用來決定這200份野生番茄的族群結構,以正確地估算變異之間的關聯性。<br> Abstract: Co-adapted gene complex is defined as closely linked genes with closely related biological function. The stigma exsertion 2.1 ( se2.1 ) quantitative trait locus was previously identified as a co-adapted gene complex which comprises at least 5 genes controlling the position of stigma relative to the mouth of the anther cone in tomato (Chen & Tanksley, 2004, Genetics 168: 1563-1573.), and one gene, Style2.1, in the se2.1 QTL has been cloned (Chen, et al., 2007, Science 318: 643-645). This proposal aims to investigate the genetic components and genetic variations of the se2.1 gene complex using association mapping approach. Association mapping exploits evolutionary events of genetic recombination to build the association between phenotypes and genotypes, and hence is able to delimit the causal genetic variation in a small genomic region. 200 wild tomato accessions will be used to investigate association between floral morphology and genetic variations of the chromosomal region around the Style2.1 gene. 100 randomly chosen molecular markers will be used to investigate the population structure of these 200 wild tomato accessions, in order to correctly estimate the association.協同適應型複合基因組數量性狀基因座關聯式遺傳定位法番茄生殖性狀Co-adapted gene complexQTLassociation mappingtomatoreproductive trait以關聯式遺傳定位法探索番茄 stigma exsertion 2.1 複合式基因組內的遺傳變異