國立臺灣大學哲學系Department of Philosophy , National Taiwan University關永中Kwan, W.C.W.C.Kwan2017-09-082018-05-292017-09-082018-05-292001-01http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281900在其代表作《論死亡與臨終》一書中,庫伯羅斯提示臨終病者可經歷五個階段:即否認與孤立、憤怒、議價、抑鬱、接受。從中我們可意會到臨終可以是一個教育人體會生命意義的機緣,讓人藉此接受挑戰而獲得生命的轉化、靈性的提昇、與愛與增長。According to her major research on death and dying, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross proposes that the final phases of a terminally ill patient may undergo such stages as denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. From our dialogue with Dr. Kubler-Ross, we come to realise that each stage may prove to be an occasion for one to learn his lesson concerning the meaning of life. If a person manages to make good use of the opportunity, he may attain such an edifying transfiguration of life that reveals that dying can be a challenge for one to confront one's ultimate concern, a chance for achieving spiritual growth, and pathway through which one may appropriate for oneself the value of love.生命死亡臨終否認與孤立憤怒議價抑鬱接受希望彌留LifeDeathDyingDenial & isolationAngerBargainingDepressionAcceptanceHopeDecathexis生命的黃昏-與庫伯羅斯懇談臨終五階段的教育意義The Evening of Life-- A Dialogue with Elisabeth Kubler-Ross on the Educational Aspect of the Five Stages of Dyingjournal article