生物資源暨農學院: 生物產業機電工程學研究所指導教授: 江昭皚蘇益立Su, Yu-LiYu-LiSu2017-03-022018-07-102017-03-022018-07-102016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272483為了提升最大功率點追蹤控制演算法的效能,在本論文應用已經開發出新穎的、簡單且直接預測並具有降低運算負擔的方法。這些方法是根據在太陽能電池的p-n接面半導體理論所發展出來的。透過吾人開發的無需偵測輸入電流感測器的單相雙級式光伏逆變器系統架構。係採用混合型最大功率點追踪演算法則來驗證。設計出實用的併網型功率調節器4KW容量系統來佐證, 針對混合型的最大功率追蹤法則和傳統的擾動觀察法則做能量採集性能比較,實際測試結果發現,採用混合型最大功率追蹤演算法則比傳統的擾動觀察演算法透過本論文的太陽能光伏逆變器併網發電可產生更多的2.72%的能量。在本論文中,採用能量累積增強指標來針對目前市面上所使用各種不同最大功率追蹤演算法的太陽能併網型逆變器做功率累積效能比較,比較發現混合型演算法則無論在反應速度、穩定性及發電效率上都有相當的優勢。本論文研究所開發的雙級式光伏逆變器架構對於再生能源轉換應用具相當有前景,未來可用於實際太陽能躉購市電之商業用途。 此外,我們將所提出的混合型最大功率演算法則及透過本併網型功率調節器架構實際應用安裝於台大屋頂光伏系統中給密閉式植物工廠的電力使用。太陽能光伏併網系統實際在室外環境運作超過一年以上而獲得的實驗結果,明確的驗證出所開發出的混合型最大功率點追踪演算法則不僅達到反應速度快且降低擾動功率損失,而且也提升了光伏系統轉換的效能及功率增加。這些結果顯示使用太陽能光伏系統應用於密閉式植物工廠可以達到節約電力能源消耗和減少二氧化碳排放之目的。To facilitate the efficiency of the MPPT algorithm, we have developed the new, simple, and direct-prediction method with a low calculation burden in this study. These proposed methods were developed based on the p-n junction semiconductor theory of solar cells. We develop a new single-phase two-stage PV inverter, where the input current sensors for tracking the MPP are not required. A new hybrid maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm was developed to speedily achieve the MPP tracking of the PV arrays. A grid-tied PV power conditioning (PVPC) system with a capacity rating of 4 kW was constructed as a test sample system. The energy harvesting performance by using the hybrid MPPT method and the conventional perturbation and observation (P&O) method was also compared, and the test results show that the new designed PV inverter could produce 2.72% more energy than the traditional one. In this paper, we define an energy harvesting enhancement index (EHE-index) to Energy harvesting performance comparison of different commercial PV inverters equipped with various MPPT methods. The hybrid MPPT method is also good in speed, stable and efficiency in energy performance. The inverter developed in this study is pretty promising in energy production of PV systems and is ready for commercial use in the future. Furthermore, we integrate the previously proposed direct-prediction MPP method with the perturbation and observation (P&O) method to develop a new hybrid MPPT method. The proposed MPPT method was further utilized in the PV inverters in a PV system installed on the roof of a closed plant factory at National Taiwan University. Based on experimental results obtained from an outdoor environment over one year, the hybrid MPPT method not only decreases energy loss but also increases power utilization for the PV system. These results feature the role of applying the PV system to the closed plant factory for saving energy consumption and reducing CO2 emission.7780438 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/25論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)逆變器擾動觀察法混合型最大功率追蹤太陽光伏系統碳減排節能植物工廠.Inverterperturbation and observation (P&O) methodhybrid MPPT methodphotovoltaic (PV) systemCarbon reductionenergy-savingplant factory.[SDGs]SDG7混合型最大功率點追蹤法則應用於太陽能市電併網調節系統的實現與發電效益提升之研究Implementation of the grid-tied power conditioning system with a hybrid maximum power point tracking method for PV energy harvested researchthesis10.6342/NTU201603543http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272483/1/ntu-105-D98631005-1.pdf