指導教授:陳士元臺灣大學:電信工程學研究所鄭鈞元Cheng, Jyun-YuanJyun-YuanCheng2014-11-302018-07-052014-11-302018-07-052013http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/264327本論文提出了適合封裝製程的三款天線,包含:改良型短背射天線、波導耦 合貼片天線陣列(包含二元素陣列及四元素陣列兩種)。改良型短背射天線將傳統短 背射天線架構修改為適合封裝量產的架構。波導耦合二元素貼片天線陣列利用兩 個寬頻的U形開槽貼片天線排成陣列,藉由波導的開口同相激發兩個貼片天線, 使在上方的電磁場為兩貼片天線的疊加,得到高增益的特性。波導耦合四元素貼 片天線陣列的原理與二元素者相同,其為達到更大的增益而將天線陣列的元素從 兩個增加到四個。 此三種天線設計在其工作頻帶內均具有高增益且平緩變化的良好特性,並且 模擬之阻抗比例頻寬可以達到世界各國定義之60-GHz頻帶的規格。為了驗證方便, 我們將其中心頻率設計在7.5 GHz頻段,量測結果受限於測試板轉接電路的共振特 性,量測到的阻抗頻寬略窄。改良型短背射天線的比例頻寬為13.51%,最大增益 為8.32 dBi。波導耦合二元素貼片天線陣列的比例頻寬為11.34%,最大增益為10.69 dBi。波導耦合四元素貼片天線陣列的比例頻寬為13.86%,最大增益為12.2 dBi。但透過比較包含測試板之天線的模擬與量測結果,發現兩者一致性非常高,確實證實了我們的天線架構具有寬頻高增益並且適合封裝製程的特性。In this thesis, we use the antenna-on-package (AoP) solution for integration of antennas with packages. Three types of antennas that are suitable for the AoP structure are presented. First, we proposed the modified short backfire antenna (modified SBA) that fits the AoP structure and is suitable for mass production. Second, the waveguide-coupled two-element U-slotted patch array is presented. Here we use two U-slotted patch antennas that are excited in phaseso that the fields at the zenith interfere constructively, and hence we canobtain the high-gain antenna. Finally, we extend the array from two elements to four elements. The waveguide-coupled four-element U-slotted patch array is proposed to achieve an even-higher-gain property. The three types of antennas have a high-gain property and their fractional bandwidth can achieve 15% (defined by the 60-GHz band). Furthermore, the gain spectra of the three antennas exhibit quite smooth responses in the matched bands. In this thesis,we design antennas in the frequency band whose center frequency is at around 7.5 GHz for quicker and easier verification. The results of the prototype antennas are limited by the resonant property of the coupling slot on the evaluation board (EVB). The measured bandwidth of the modified short backfire antenna is 13.51%, and its peak gain is 8.32 dBi. The measured bandwidth of the waveguide-coupled two-element U-slotted patch array is 11.34%, and its peak gain is 10.69 dBi. The measured bandwidth of the waveguide-coupled four-element U-slotted patch array is 13.86%, and its peak gain is 12.2 dBi. However, the consistency between the simulated results and the measured results of the prototype antennas with the EVBs provides us with confidence for the feasibility of our designs.口試委員會審定書 i 誌 謝 iii 摘 要 v Abstract vii Contents ix List of Figures xi List of Tables xv Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Introduction to the Feeding Configuration of Antennas on Package throughout this Thesis 5 1.3 Chapter Outline 11 Chapter 2 Modified Short Backfire Antenna 13 2.1 Introduction of Conventional Short Backfire Antennas 13 2.2 Design of the Proposed ModifiedShort Backfire Antenna 17 2.3 Parametric Studies of Modified Short Backfire Antenna without EVB-to-Package Transition at 7.5 GHz 20 2.4 Prototype Antenna of 7.5-GHz Modified SBA with EVB-to-Package Transition and Results 33 Chapter 3 Waveguide-Coupled Two-Element U-Slotted Patch Array 43 3.1 Introduction of Wideband U-Slotted Patch Antennas 43 3.2 Design of Waveguide-Coupled Two-Element U-Slotted Patch Array 53 3.3 Parametric Studies of Waveguide-CoupledTwo-Element U-Slotted Patch Array without EVB-to-Package Transition at 7.5 GHz 55 3.4 Prototype Antenna of 7.5-GHz Waveguide-Coupled Two-Element U-Slotted Patch Array and Results 61 Chapter 4 Waveguide-Coupled Four-Element U-Slotted Patch Array 65 4.1 Design of Waveguide-Coupled Four-Element U-Slotted Patch Array 65 4.2 Parametric Studies of Waveguide-CoupledFour-Element U-slotted Patch Array without EVB-to-Package Transition at 7.5 GHz 68 4.3 Prototype Antenna of 7.5-GHz Waveguide-Coupled Four-Element U-Slotted Patch Array and Results 72 Chapter 5 Simulated Results of Proposed Antennas for 60-GHz AoP Applications 77 5.1 Simulated Results of 60-GHz Modified SBA 77 5.2 Simulated Results of 60-GHz Waveguide-Coupled Two-Element U-Slotted Patch Array 80 5.3 Simulated Results of 60-GHz Waveguide-Coupled Four-Element U-Slotted Patch Array 83 Chapter 6 Conclusion 87 6.1 Summary 87 6.2 Future Work 89 References 902396981 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2014/01/27論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)封裝天線60-GHz頻帶短背射天線U形開槽貼片天線貼片天線陣列寬頻高增益封裝天線之設計Design of Wideband, High-Gain Antennas on Packagethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/264327/1/ntu-102-R00942087-1.pdf