臺灣大學: 社會工作學研究所鄭麗珍李奇勵Lee, Chi-LiChi-LiLee2013-03-212018-06-282013-03-212018-06-282011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/248107根據韌力的觀點,女性單親家庭的成員雖然面臨多面向的生活困境,但這些危機困境也成為單親家庭成員成長焠鍊與韌力開展的契機,本研究試圖發掘單親的生命歷程中除了無奈的消極適應外,是否還有積極成長的可能性。 過去,單親韌力的研究多以單親家長或子女一方為研究的對象,所蒐集的資料可能偏頗一方。因此,本研究立意取樣並深度訪談各一對女性喪偶、離婚家庭的同戶親子,欲探索他們形成女性單親家庭的歷程,所遭遇的生活困境,以及因應困境的韌力來源及展現過程,嘗試完整全面地呈現親子之間的家庭韌力之開展歷程,期待本研究的成果可以知會相關社會福利政策的制訂,社會工作實務人員提供更適切的服務給女性單親家庭。 從受訪的兩個單親家庭生命歷程可以看到大致相似的軌跡,家庭在重大壓力事件之下,家境急遽跌入谷底、瀕臨崩解失能(悲痛期),母親為了孩子自覺要奮力一搏,勇敢面對逆境,家庭成員共同奮戰,發揮家庭韌力,從谷底慢慢爬升(重振生活期),後隨著小孩成長獨立自主、分擔家計,家庭漸趨穩定向前(家庭穩定期),構成一組三階段的生命曲線圖。本研究還發現,帶動這兩個家庭從谷底止跌反彈的重振因素包括:化悲憤為力量、家庭成員互助、社會資源,而能夠讓家庭穩定向上的韌力因素則有:相互包容的親子關係、手足互助、開放而清晰的表達方式。最後,本研究依據不同的復原歷程階段提出各項社會政策面與社工實務層面的建議。Families headed by females usually encounter all kinds of predicaments in everyday life. These setbacks may be stressful, but they sometime are served as resilient facilitators and eventually bring positive impact on everyday life. This study intended to explore where the families gained resilience from and how resilience could set off and help them to bounce up from the adversities. Previous studies collected data from either single mothers or their children regarding their resilient experiences. This study in-depth interviewed two pairs of single mothers and their children, one mother divorced and the other one widowed. The approach was able to construct a holistic view of the resilient process of the two families. The results indicated that two families went through a similar trajectory of resilient process which included a three-stage recovery development, hit the bottom, bounce back, and maintain stable. And, three key factors were found to help families bounce up from the bottom of the trajectory, which included turning grief into power, working together, and access to social resources. To maintain stable in the trajectory, family members should have compassion for each other, help each other, and have clear and open communication. Policy and social work practice implications were included.1981445 bytesapplication/pdfen-US女性單親韌力家庭韌力離婚喪偶單親媽媽單親小孩Female Single FamilyResilienceFamily ResilienceDivorceWidowSingle MotherChildren with Single Parents女性單親家庭親子韌力開展歷程The resilient development process of families headed by females with their childrenhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/248107/1/ntu-100-R95330013-1.pdf