2005-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/712787摘要:本研究分析景觀生態結構、景觀空間形式及野生生物群落等因子,並實際測量自然環境受到遊憩衝擊的程度,以探討生態旅遊地點之景觀生態結構與自然環境衝擊之間的關係。針對生態旅遊地點之環境衝擊做評估,並探討遊客對於生態環境衝擊的認知,以及長期監測不同生態旅遊地點受遊憩衝擊等各方面的比較。 研究包含三個部分,一為現地環境衝擊調查,調查項目包含土壤硬度、植被覆蓋、根系裸露、鳥類物種調查、遊憩噪音等。第二部份為遊客問卷調查,問項包含環境衝擊感受、旅遊目的、滿意度及可接受的改善方案。第三部分為景觀生態結構、遊憩響音與鳥類生態功能指標之關係。 本研究分為兩年進行,目前已完成第一年之工作,主要內容包含建構生態旅遊地點環境自然衝擊評估模式,並以清境地區為試測對象。未來第二年之工作為修正評估模式,經由監測清境,以及以合歡山和武陵等不同生態旅遊地點為測試對象,將所得結果比較分析,提出生態旅遊地改善方案及經營管理策略。 目前第一年所獲得之結果在現地環境調查方面,土壤硬度、植被覆蓋、根系裸露等測量結果,需與第二年其他地點做比較。鳥類物種調查結果可看出,清境地區以藪鳥出現的數量為最多。由遊客問卷調查可知,遊客認為「<br> Abstract: This study analyized the indicators of landscape ecological structure, the landscape spatial pattern, and the wildlife community structure, followed with the on-site survey of the natural environmental impacts due to the recreational activities. To depict the relationship between landscape ecological structures and natural environmental impact in the ecotourism areas. There are three section works in this study. The first is on-site investigation of the natural environmental impacts, which includes the soil compactness, the vegetation cover, root exposure, bird species, and recreational noise. The second section was the visitors’ interview, the questionnaire items includes the cognitions of environmental impacts, their recreational purpose, satisfaction and acceptable management programs. The third section tests the relationships among landscape ecological structures, recreational noise, and ecological function indicators of bird species. The period of this study was planned to complete in two years. The work for the first year was completed. This includes the establishment of the evaluation model of the natural environmental impacts in the ecotourism areas. The model was tested at the ChingGin area. In the future, the work for the second year is to refine the evaluation model by monitoring the conditions of the ChingGin areas and test the evaluation model at 2 new ecotourism areas, the HerHwan Mountain and the WuLing area. Finally, this study tries to comparing the selected three testing areas to propose the management strategies and the programs for the ecotourism areas. The findings of the first year from the on-site investigations of soil compactness, vegetation cover, roots exposures have to compare with the results of the other 2 sites, which will be investigated in the nest year. However, the preliminary survey of the bird investigation shows the Steer's Liocichla (Liocichla steerii) has the highest frequency observation rate in the ChingGin area. From the visitors’ interviews, visitors’ cognition of crowding, too many traffics, over-development, few wildlife observed, and the bad landscapes of power lines and pipelines. All the findings show the recreational impacts of the Ching Gin areas due to the development in these years. The landscape ecological structure of the ChingGin area was found that the wood has the highest area in the landscape ecological structure, while the water body is the fewest. The relationships between landscape ecological structures were found. Under the hierarchy of 100 m investigation radius, the farmland, the waste land, and the built area were found to have significant relationship with the bird ecological indicators. Under the 50 investigation radius, only the grassland and the waste land have significant relationship with the bird ecological indicators. However, under the 500 m investigation radius, there were none relationship between landscape ecological structures and the bird ecological景觀生態結構生態旅遊遊憩衝擊landscape ecological structureeco-tourismrecreation impact永續性生態旅遊的發展模式策略推動--子計畫三:發展生態旅遊對生態環境衝擊之影響分析(二)(2/2)