臺灣大學: 圖書資訊學研究所吳明德黃喻淳Huang, Yu-ChunYu-ChunHuang2013-03-222018-05-302013-03-222018-05-302010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/251211本研究主要探討,在當今電子資源多元且豐富的情況下,高中圖書館如何選擇與組織電子資源以及教師是如何將這些資源應用於教學中。學校圖書館是數量最多也最重要的圖書館類型,除了供應教學資源,同時應培養學生閱讀與利用圖書館之習慣,其中,高中圖書館更擔負著培養學生養成自我學習能力之重任,使學生及早適應未來獨立學習與思考的大學生活。因此首先,高中圖書館必須蒐藏豐富的資源以達此目的。 本研究分析圖書館選擇與組織電子資源之原則、提供之服務、並瞭解其使用情形。主要的研究方法包括內容分析法與訪談法,以臺北市高中為抽樣母體,採立意取樣,最後訪談了12所高中共15位圖書館主管人員。透過對圖書館網站所做的內容分析結果,於訪談時針對各館不同的情況進行更深入的探究。 本研究有以下結論:第一,高中圖書館的電子資源類型以資料庫及網路資源為主,資源來源主要為圖書館自行決定及教師推薦,而且除了圖書館外,校內各學科領域也提供教學相關資源;第二,高中圖書館普遍未訂定電子資源選擇政策,大部分由負責選擇的人員依自己的原則決定。此外,在選擇與組織電子資源時皆遇到許多困難,而且這些電子資源多未編目,僅以清單方式提供給師生使用;第三,高中圖書館透過多種管道提供電子資源服務,也與教師合作將其應用於教學;第四,高中圖書館大多沒有進行使用者調查,因此對教師及學生的使用情況不甚瞭解。 本研究建議高中圖書館應訂定電子資源選擇政策,並聯合各校圖書館共同採購或蒐集資源,並與校內其他單位整合,朝教學資源中心發展,提供師生更完整的電子資源及服務。此外,對師生使用電子資源的情況也應進行調查,以探討是否有需要改進之處。在未來進一步的研究方面,應進行使用者研究,並對其他類型的學校圖書館、或不同類型的高中圖書館,如高職圖書館的電子資源館藏及其使用進行探究。The study explores how high school libraries choose and organize electronic resources, and how school teachers deploy them in the digital world. There are reasons why the study chooses high school libraries as my research objects. First of all, school libraries are the largest numbers among all kinds of libraries. They not only provide teaching resources, but also help students to cultivate reading habits and know how to access library resources. Besides, high school libraries play an important role in developing students’ self-learning skills, which would help them be ready for college student living. Hence, in order to achieve the foregoing goals, for high school libraries, having a plenty of collection is important. The study examines how high school libraries choose and organize electronic resources, what services they provide, and how electronic resources are been used. The research methods of the study include content analysis and interview method. With purposive sampling, 15 high school librarians were interviewed. By pre-reviewing the websites of those school libraries, the author pinpoints on the very different problems those high school libraries might have. The findings of the study as follow. First of all, the major types of electronic resources are database and internet resources, and the major sources of them are determined by library director or librarians, and recommended by teachers. Except for libraries, discipline teachers also shared electronic resources about teaching. Second, there is no electronic resources selection policy in high school libraries, and resources usually chose by library inside members. Furthermore, there are much difficult when choosing and organizing electronic resources. Then the chose resources are provided to users in resources list. Third, there are many methods to promote electronic resources, and to collaborate with teachers by using electronic resources at class. Finally, librarians don’t know teachers and students’ user satisfaction because they don’t have user survey. There are some suggestions for this topic, high school libraries should establish electronic resources collection policy or selection principles, and collaborate with other high school libraries to purchase electronic resources together. It also can integrate with other department in school to develop a teaching and learning center, in order to provide complete electronic resources and service.5393113 bytesapplication/pdfen-US高中圖書館電子資源電子資源服務high school libraryelectronic resourceselectronic resources service高中圖書館電子資源館藏及其服務之研究The Study of Electronic Resources Collection and Its Service in High School Librariesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/251211/1/ntu-99-R94126001-1.pdf