彭錦鵬Pen, Thomas C. P.臺灣大學:政治學研究所鍾起岱Chung, Chii-dayChii-dayChung2010-05-052018-06-282010-05-052018-06-282008U0001-0407200821301900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/179231一個政治團隊之被稱為團隊,除了與政治權力有關之外,經常與危機事件的危機處理有關,這些危機事件的處理都直接影響到政治領導人的能力與聲望;如能對相關的團隊進行有系統的危機處理研究,除了有助於增進自我的危機處理智能外,相信必然可以豐富危機處理的實務與理論的研究。機通常有許多種型態:自然危機、人為危機、政治危機、社/經危機等等,這些危機也經常考驗政治人物的危機處理能力,本論文主要以二十世紀九零年代,台灣最重要的政治人物之ㄧ宋楚瑜先生主持台灣省政的將近六年期間(1993—1998)的危機處理為對象,進行研究。993年2月,宋楚瑜從一個被形容為《大內高手》、《翻雲覆雨》的執政黨秘書長,轉任被形容為《外放邊陲》、《遠離政治核心》的台灣省政府主席,近六年的時間,宋楚瑜一步步的邁向權力的頂峰,甚至迫使李登輝總統不得不與民進黨聯手,進行《廢省滅宋》的憲政改造,風起雲湧,宋楚瑜先生在政壇的起落,與其危機處理有絕對的關係。研究屬於歷史事件的研究,採取的研究方法主要是文獻比較法,本研究搜集宋楚瑜擔任台灣省主席及台灣省長的這段長達六年的時間(1993/02—1998/12)所發生的131件危機事件,挑出其中最具代表性的四大危機事件的處理,包括:賀伯風災(自然危機)、衛爾康大火(人為危機)、黃義交緋聞事件(核心幕僚危機)、精省事件(政治危機),分析現代社會危機處理機制應具備的功能,解答政治領導人的宦海沉浮與民間聲望,與其危機處理能力的關聯性,同時解析危機處理機制的不同處理策略,以及宋團隊的危機處理機制的啟示,歸納宋團隊危機處理機制的原則,作為危機處理實務之借鏡,期能建立理想的、可操作的危機處理機制。A “political group” was named “political team” always because of the political power, and always because of the ability of the managing and treating crisis events. That means how to treat and control crisis direct influence the reputation of the political leaders. If we research a set of such cases study, no only improve the intelligence of the crisis’s treatments, and also can rich our research on the practices and theories of crisis treatmentThere are various crises, including natural crisis, man-made crisis, political crisis, socio-economic crisis, which tests political leader’s ability of the crisis treatments, This thesis focuses on Mr. James Soong, one of the most important Taiwan politician in the 1990s, whose crisis transaction history during his six-year leading Taiwan Provincial Government term from 1993 to 1998.n February 1993, James Soong ( aka ‘Da-nei Grand Master’, ‘As Changeable as Clouds and Rain’ ), the Secretary-General position of ruling party, had been transferred to the so called ’send an official for borderland, away from the core of politics’ Governor of Taiwan Province. In 1993-1998, James Soong marched toward the very top of power, and forced President Lee Teng-hui to cooperate with the DPP to engage in the so called ‘Abolish Province Destroy Soong’ constitutional reform. Obviously, the ability to transact crises is the major element of James Soong’s abrupt rising.ames Soong was appointed to be the 14th governor of Taiwan province at February, 1993, He was high-speed to rise in Taiwan Political circle in 6 years from 1993-1998, when he march toward the remarkable way to the power’s peak, bring about the KMT and the DDP collaborate to proceed the constitution amendment to freeze the function of Taiwan province government. James Soong’s high-speed to rise absolutely something related to his ability to control the crisis event.his study belongs historical events research, esearcher use documental and literature comparative approach in case study. It is based on four major crises, Typhoon Herb disaster (natural crisis), Welcome Restaurant of Taichung fire accident (man-made crisis), Hwang Yih-jiau sex scandal (core staffs crisis), and Simplify Province incident --deprive function of TPG (political crisis) among 131 crises during James Soong’s six-year Taiwan Provincial Government service. This study, analyzes the essential functions of contemporary society’s crisis transaction mechanism, explaining the relationship between public fame and crisis transaction ability of a political leader, and resolving the various strategies of crisis transaction, inducting the principles of crisis treatmental mechanism used by Team Soong, which is possible for a lesson of crisis treatmental mechanism and for establishing an ideal, usable crisis treatmental mechanism.口試委員審定書………………………………………………… V給………………………………………………………………VII辭………………………………………………………………IX文摘要…………………………………………………………XI文摘要………………………………………………………XIII錄…………………………………………………………… 1一章 緒論………………………………………………… 5一節 研究動機………………………………………… 5二節 研究目的………………………………………… 8 三節 研究範圍………………………………………… 9 四節 研究方法……………………………………… 11 五節 研究限制……………………………………… 16 二章 相關文獻回顧……………………………………19一節 主要名詞界定………………………………… 19二節 相關理論探討………………………………… 31三節 相關論文探討………………………………… 44四節 我國相關機制………………………………… 50三章 宋團隊危機事件分析……………………………59一節 危機事件分類…………………………………59二節 自然危機事件…………………………………63三節 人為危機事件…………………………………67四節 政治危機事件…………………………………70五節 社/經危機事件………………………………74六節 研究挑選個案…………………………………77四章 宋團隊危機處理個案研究………………………81一節 台灣省政府原有機制……………………………81二節 衛爾康火災危機處理…………………………84三節 賀伯風災危機處理……………………………95四節 凍省之爭危機處理……………………………127五節 黃義交緋聞危機處理…………………………185五章 宋團隊危機處理機制解析………………………197一節 宋團隊危機處理特色……………………………197二節 宋團隊危機處理績效…………………………200三節 宋團隊危機處理分析…………………………204六章 結論與建議……………………………………215一節 理論回應………………………………………216二節 研究發現………………………………………223三節 研究建議………………………………………228考文獻…………………………………………………231錄………………………………………………………243application/pdf3105078 bytesapplication/pdfen-US宋團隊危機管理危機處理台灣省政府精省Team SoongCrisis ManagementCrisis treatment宋團隊省政危機處理機制之研究(1993-1998)Case study on the crisis treatmental mechanism of ames Soong’s provincial team《1993--1998》thesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/179231/1/ntu-97-P94322020-1.pdf