2014-01-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/700006摘要:過去的研究證據顯示個體能夠根據作業與行為目標,透過由上而下的注意力調控,對外在知覺訊息進行目標選擇或干擾抑制。近年來,人類行為與腦功能造影的研究成果也展現注意力不但可以強化視覺短期記憶訊息的登錄,更能調節記憶表徵的維持,依此引導個體進行適當的行為表現,這些證據顯示個體可能是依靠相似的注意力調控機制,透過前額葉、後頂葉,以及視覺皮質的協同運作,以成功完成知覺或視覺短期記憶作業。然而,目前對於視覺短期記憶中回溯式搜尋與知覺-記憶表徵比對歷程的研究證據仍然非常缺乏。在此研究計畫裡,我假設由上而下的注意力調控在知覺與視覺短期記憶扮演了關鍵且類似的角色,依此探討視覺短期記憶搜尋與比對的本質,更進一步探討注意力對於記憶搜尋 (第一年系列實驗)與記憶表徵比對 (第二年系列實驗)調節效果的神經機制,最後,我將研究記憶搜尋與比對,以及注意力對此兩種歷程的調節效果,在認知與神經機制的相似性與相異性。我將結合行為測量方法、腦電波與功能性磁振造影等技術,探討由上而下的注意力調控機制,是如何根據作業與行為目標,對知覺與視覺短期記憶表徵進行連續性與動態性的調控,進而了解大腦是如何支持行為與心智運作。<br> Abstract: Selective attention is important for biasing perceptual processing in favor of the most relevant sensory inputs according to changing task goals and priorities. Similarly, recent studies have shown that selective attention is of considerable importance for gating the encoding of relevant information into visual short-term memory (VSTM). Moreover, attention can bias maintained information in VSTM in order to optimise subsequent behavioural performance. These results imply that the functional interactions of prefrontal, parietal, and visual areas may provide a natural structure for top-down attentional signals to bias both perceptual and VSTM representations. However, how attentional mechanisms can continue to operate on the stages of VSTM retrospective search or VSTM-perception comparison processes remains poorly understood. In this three-year research proposal, I will explore the nature of VSTM search and VSTM comparison processes using multiple cognitive and neuroimaging methods including behavioural and psychophysical measurements, electroencephalography, and event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Specifically, I will investigate the neural basis of brain activity associated with spatiotopic searching for targets from within VSTM representations and how selective top-down mechanisms can bias VSTM search process in the first year (Experiment series 1). I will then test the neural correlates of VSTM comparisons and whether and how selective top-down mechanisms can affect comparison process in the second year (Experiment series 2). Finally, I will compare functional and neural similarities and differences between VSTM search and VSTM comparison, as task goals and behavioural expectations evolve dynamically. In conclusion, this research proposal will provide novel evidence to not only “where” but, more importantly, “how” brain supports our behaviours.注意力視覺短期記憶由上而下調控腦電波功能性磁振造影Attentionvisual short-term memorytop-down modulationelectroencephalographyfunctional magnetic resonance imaging注意力對視覺短期記憶搜尋與比對調控的神經機制