臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所郭斯傑徐沛澐Hsu, Pei-YunPei-YunHsu2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/255930長期以來,政府之各項採購多以最低價標為主要之決標考量,道路工程也不例外。然而,由採購經驗中發現,最低價標並無法與最優質標劃上等號;廠商只要投標價格符合招標規定的得標條件,即取得該工程承攬施作權,這種以單一價格決標之招標制度似乎過於簡化,反映不出廠商之間程度上差異,無法激勵廠商注重施工進度及品質以爭取優良績效,讓優良廠商有較高的得標機會。 隨著國人所得及生活水準的提升,道路於施工期間所造成的交通延遲、用路人旅行時間增加、空氣噪音等環境污染加劇等問題,已成為用路人最主要的訴求。是故,如何有效的縮短道路工程施工時程,節省用路人旅行時間及行車成本,進而降低社會成本增加公共建設效益,乃今日國內交通建設工程施作考量的重要課題。 本研究由美國聯邦公路局網站蒐集採用A+B競標法共62筆案例,除了用統計分析探討62筆案例的預估造價、決標價、用路人成本與工期縮減率等數據分布趨勢,並就其決標影響因子以線性迴歸建立相關性分析模型;另將部分不符合國內決標制度案例予以剔除,以國內適用範圍內之34筆案例進行敘述性統計分析及線性迴歸決標因子相關性分析檢定,作為國內公共工程標案預測依據之模型。 利用蒐集國內橋梁整建案例相關決標及用路人成本估算資料,參考行政院經建會等單位之效益評估項目估算用路人成本,其中包含用路人因施工所增加的旅行時間成本、施工改道或行駛替代道路所衍生的繞行成本、因旅行時間增加或繞行距離增加所衍生的行車成本、因施工造成交通意外事故所衍生的肇事成本及環境衝擊等具體可直接量化經濟成本,而商業衝擊損失的間接成本則不在本研究考量之列。 最後,以國外案例模型探討該等案例執行情形及適用性評估,並參酌工程主管機關、業主、工程顧問及廠商代表就現階段公共工程發包採購之意見,針對國內現行政府採購制度及採購環境現況,提供國內採行A+B競標法之可行性及未來推展方向。Government procurements usually take the lowest bid to determine the bid winner, and road engineering is not an exception. However, experience shows that the lowest bid does not equal one with the best quality. A bidder can easily get the contract as long as the price matches well with the threshold. It seems that the bidding system is over simplified when it is only based on a single price. While income and the standard of living are upgraded, road users begin to ask for better quality of transportation. Therefore, it has become a crucial question as how to shorten construction and travel time, decrease vehicle operation and social costs, and enlarge the efficiency of public construction. This paper analyzed the 62 cases of cost-time bidding listed on Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Statistical and data analyses were done for their project costs, prices of award, costs on road users, and reduction rates of construction time. Linear regression was also applied to build analytical models of correlations. Therefore, 34 out of the 62 cases are categorized as inapplicable according to Taiwan’s bidding system, were given descriptive statistical analyses, and linear regression was performed to examine the correlations of factors that determined successful bids. This paper collected data of national bridge renovation projects, road-user cost, benefit and road-user cost evaluated by Council for Economic Planning and Development(CEPD) and other institutions. Daily traveler’s time value, daily detouring costs, daily vehicle traveling cost, casualty cost, and impact on the environment were taken into consideration as they were quantifiable economic costs. Indirect costs such as losses and impact on business were not of the concern of this research. The estimated road-user cost was then used in the applicability evaluation based on the biddings of the 34 cases in the U.S. Opinions of competent authorities, owners, project consultants, and business representatives were also incorporated to comment on the contracting and procurement of Taiwan’s public construction projects. The research aimed to provide a vision on applying A+B bidding method in Taiwan and its possible development in the future.6399798 bytesapplication/pdfen-US造價工期競標法用路人成本A+B競標橋梁工程政府採購cost-time bidding methoddaily road-user costA+B biddingbridge renovation projectgovernment procurement造價工期競標法應用於橋梁整建工程適用性之探討The Study of Cost-Time Bidding for Bridge Renovations Projectsthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/255930/1/ntu-99-P96521715-1.pdf