2002-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/689871摘要:本計劃旨在研究十九世紀中國天花疫情與牛痘接種術的傳播,透過各類文獻的記載,重建當時中國的部分傳染病史,並且藉此了解政府、個人與私人機構在牛痘接種法的推廣方面所扮演的角色。 本計畫以1805年傳入中國的牛痘接種術為中心,探究十九世紀中西醫學思想、技術接觸與交流過程所面臨的特殊情境與困難;其次,檢視牛痘接種術與傳統的人痘接種術之間的競爭、消長關係;第三,觀察牛痘推動者與牛痘師的身份與社會地位;第四,探討牛痘支持者與牛痘師的傳播策略,以及他們如何藉此開展人際與社會網絡,從而研究商人與近代中國防疫事業推動的關係;第五,藉由各地牛痘局的設置,討論官方與民間、機構與個人在推廣牛痘事業中的角色,及其互動關係;第六,從接種牛痘者的角度出發,觀看這一場傳統技術與西式新法之間的競爭關係。 <br> Abstract: This research aims to explore outbreaks of smallpox and spread of vaccination in the nineteenth century China. This project takes smallpox as an example to partly reconstruct the history of epidemics in China, and to examine roles of government and private sectors in preventing smallpox and offering medical, social and moral supports. In so doing, it would not only be possible to map smallpox outbreaks in the nineteenth century China, but also to reflect the characteristics of contagious disease crossing boundaries of country, nation and species by putting the Chinese case in a wider global context. Smallpox vaccination was successfully introduced into southern China in 1805. Previous studies hold different views of its significance of interactions between China and the Western civilizations in the nineteenth century. In order to fairly evaluate vaccination in Chinese history, first, I examine the spread of vaccination, and its difficulties in expansion through China. Second, I discuss multiple competition and relationships between practitioners of vaccination and variolation. Third, I check socio-political backgrounds of vaccination practitioners and supporters to gauge their social network in terms of advocating vaccination, and to delve into roles of officials and merchants in establishing Chinese community hygiene affairs.天花牛痘人痘流行病傳染病中國十九世紀smallpoxvaccinationvariolationepidemicsChinanineteenth century題目:十九世紀中國天花疫情與牛痘接種術的傳播