2011-05-212024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/651589摘要:生物性危害在科技快速發展的現今社會,仍然對人們的生命安全造成嚴重的威脅。日新月異的傳染性致病原如炭疽病毒、新流感、SARS等高危險性致病微生物都嚴重威脅人類的健康。因此如何在公共場所即時監控特定病原含量,便可以有效的控制疫情的蔓延,保護人民的安全。現有的生物檢測技術大多需要繁雜的操作流程,不但耗費時間,對於準確度或再現性等都受到許多因素影響。有鑒於此,本團隊計畫開發一能於作業現場精準且迅速獲得危害特徵資料之偵測設備,以輕量化、低成本、低耗能為目標,設計新型自動分析生物分析微系統,達到全面佈署於高風險職業場所,即時監控特定致病微生物含量,以保障職業人員健康。在先前的研究中,本團隊已完成單通道同側式暗場型螢光光學感測模組與精準加熱/冷卻模組,並進行初步整合測試,可對肺結核分歧桿菌進行檢測。本計畫將承襲先前之研究成果,結合移動光學機構(moving optical)或是多組光學機構(multiple optical)的概念,建立可同步監測多樣本之螢光偵測系統,並利用環境溫度感測器的回授訊號調控來克服PCR加熱/冷卻模組之平衡溫度易受環境溫度影響的問題。另外,也將制定致病原檢測標準流程並於實場中實地操作本系統,以確認本系統實際使用的穩定性。最終希冀建立一低成本、輕量化、低耗能、高檢測準確率的即時定量聚合酶連鎖反應生物分析微系統(Real-time Bioanalytical Microsystems),達成勞工環境安全維護的最終目標。<br> Abstract: In this rapidly progressive society, the health issues caused by bio-hazard are deeply concerned in the field of public health and occupational hygiene. Nowadays, we human beings are endangered by the microbial pathogens such as Anthrax, Novel flu and Severe acute respiratory syndrome(SARS), etc. Unfortunately, the traditional analysis technology for microorganism are not only time consumable, but also facing the obstacle like accuracy as well as reproducibility. In the view of this, we aim at designing a filed portable bioanalytical micro-system which owns the properties of in-situ stability, high sensitivity, economical production, specific identification and low energy consumption. We have already successfully established the PCR thermocycler module and ipsilateral type optical mechanism to integrate to thermocyler module. For the PCR thermocyler module, we have already achieved the goal of temperature precision as well as volume minimization. Also we have developed the deposable pathogen detection chip. In this project, we are going to follow the results of previous research and establish a new design of optical mechanism for multi-sample detection. In addition, the obstacle that the influence of surrounding temperature to thermocycler will be overcome. Furthermore, we will also demonstrate our integrated system in real field to make sure the stability of the system. We hope that we can provide an economical, low energy consumption, minimum and high accuracy Real-time Bioanalytical Microsystems to ensure the safety of occupational environment.即時定量PCR同側式螢光感測加熱冷卻模組肺結核桿菌沙門氏菌qPCRipsilateral type optical mechanismthermocycler moduleMycobacterium TuberculosisSalmonella職業環境生物致病原監測系統改良與實場測試