2003-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/688824摘要:本研究是藉由「將軍號」的考察,尤其是日、韓諸政權的統治者採用中國式的將軍號,以討論在第二世紀之後,尤其是四、五世紀以來,中國週邊諸國的建國過程中,一個以王者為代表的新興權力集團所面對的是一個新的歷史環境,故一方面藉由學習中國文化中的諸禮儀符號(包括官銜),以建構其政治行動中的主體性;另一方面他們也以自己的方式詮釋了其所採納的中國文化,以符合己身的策略與目。由於在古代,日、韓諸政權的最高領導人都擁有「將軍號」(如安東大將軍,故我們將考察以日本為主的政權(兼及韓國)如何吸收採用將軍號,以建構自我的政權,以及當地的政治人物、學者又如何利用己身特有的文化資源以重新詮釋將軍號,尤其是置於天皇號的脈絡中。藉由此項研究,或可重新反省既有的冊封理論,重視中國天子與外邦君主之間如何藉由「名」的交換,以建構一套政治系統。或許我們可以從將軍一類的「名號」及其當地人的詮釋法,重新理解東亞地區政治制度的特色。故本計畫一方面延續91年度我所執行的國科會計畫「中國古代『皇帝號』之研究」中關於「名號」及其政治意義的研究,另一方面也配合我另外執行的「大學追求卓越計畫」之一的「東亞近世儒學中的經典詮釋傳統研究」之一子計畫<br> Abstract: This project aims at the political order in East Asia, by analyzing the official title of ‘Jiangjun’ (military commander), and comparing with the same titles owned by Japanese and Korean political leaders from 4th century C.E.. As well known, from the 2nd century, many political groups outside China started their state-building. These new power groups faced new historical environments, therefore they needed new strategies to strengthen themselves. The power elites constructed their subjectivities by learning and using Chinese ritual symbols and official titles. On the other hand, these political agents outside China conceived Chinese symbols and titles by their own local knowledge and cultural resources. They adopted the Chinese ritual symbols and political titles into their political system, in the same time, they re-interpreted these symbols for their strategies and aims. We will focus on how local political agents used and interpreted the Chinese title of ‘jiangjun,’ and how local elites used this title to construct their local political system, such as Japanese Emperorship (Tenno). By this project, we could gain a new perspective on the political system of East Asia. So-called Chinese Empire was not built only upon force, but also upon name or title. The exchange of title is the basic element of the political power in so-called Chinese Empire. In this project, we adopted the viewpoint and method of the hermeneutics and linguistic analysis. It is presumed that the meaning and definitions of the official titles are resulted from the agent’s context, political strategies and aims.將軍號東亞古代史都督府幕藩體制皇帝制度天皇制經典詮釋日本史韓國史江戶時代title of jiangjunhistory of East AsiaChinese EmperorshipJapanese Emperorshiphermeneutics ConfucianismEdo age東亞「將軍號」之研究:中、日、韓之比較研究