練乃華臺灣大學:商學研究所施凱馨Shih, Kai-HsinKai-HsinShih2010-06-012018-06-292010-06-012018-06-292009U0001-2807200922061100http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/184574實務界使用故事型廣告作為與觀眾之溝通方式以蔚為風潮,尤其電視媒體的特性,使廣告主可以利用拍攝具有故事性的結構傳達產品特色之概念,然而學術上缺乏對於產品之論點在故事中置入方式進行研究。因此,本研究欲探討在故事型廣告中,在廣告故事開頭即告知產品與品牌名稱以減少對廣告的不確定性下,不同的論點置入模式對溝通效果有何差異,包括對廣告態度、產品態度、購買意願、廣告興趣、資訊搜尋意願以及屬性論點記憶之效果。為驗證本研究之假設,透過1(廣告故事開頭告知產品與品牌名稱)×4(論點緩和置中、適度置中、顯著置中與顯著置尾)的實驗設計,利用真實廣告進行論點置入之操弄剪輯成各約60秒之廣告影片進行實驗,實驗對象主要為台大與東吳大學的學生,主要分析方法為多變量變異數分析與迴歸分析來進行假設檢定。而本實驗廣告產品為機車廣告,檢定後發現兩性之廣告效果有差異,且產品熟悉度為性別對廣告效果之中介變數,故在檢驗本研究之假設後,進行兩性之廣告效果進行分析,主要研究結論如下:、論點適切性程度愈高,相較於適切性程度較低有較佳的廣告興趣、論點適切性程度愈低,相較於適切性程度愈低有較佳的屬性論點記憶、故事型廣告之論點適切性程度會透過運輸效果影響廣告效果、顯著置尾有較佳的品牌記憶效果、產品熟悉度愈高,相較於產品熟悉度較低者有較佳的廣告態度、資訊搜尋意願、產品態度與購買意願、產品熟悉度為性別對廣告效果之中介變數The story-formed advertising in TV commercial to communicate with the audience has been popular in the recent years. Because of the characteristics of the TV, the advertisers could film the advertisement with narrative structure to deliver the products’ attributes. However, researchers seldom discuss about the location and intensity of the argument about the product. Therefore, this goal of this research is to explore how the appropriateness of the product argument in the story-formed advertising influences the advertising effects.A 1(show product name and brand name)*4(product argument’s appropriateness: subtle-middle/ proper-middle/ prominent-middle/ prominent-end) between subject factorial design was conducted for this study. Through reproducing a real scooter TV commercial, there are 4 advertisements as stimulus in this research, one minute long for each. And the research target comes from NTU and SCU. MANNOVA and Regression were conducted to test the hypothesis. Besides, due to the product type in this research was scooter, so product familiarity is also one of the research topics, which had been test as a mediator between sex and advertisement’s effects. The results are revealed as follows:.The higher the product arguments appropriateness’ degree in story-formed advertisement, the better the advertisement interests .The higher the product arguments appropriateness’ degree, the better the memory of product arguments..The product arguments appropriateness’ effect on advertisement effects was influenced by transportation effect..The advertisement with prominent product argument in the end makes better memory of brand name.The higher the familiarity toward the product, the better the Aad, information search desire, product attitudes and purchase intention..Familiarity is the mediator between sex and advertisement’s effects.第一章 緒論 一節 研究背景與動機 1二節 研究目的 3二章 文獻回顧 4一節 故事的溝通效果 4二節 論點置入效果 9三章 研究架構與實驗方法 12一節 研究架構 12二節 研究假設 12三節 研究設計 15四節 抽樣方法 24五節 實驗步驟 24四章 研究結果分析 25一節 樣本結構 25二節 信度分析 26三節 操弄性檢定 27四節 廣告效果分析 29五節 其他研究發現 35六節 研究結果總結 49五章 結論與建議 50一節 研究結論與討論 50二節 行銷意涵 55三節 研究限制 59四節 未來研究建議 60考文獻 62文部分 62文部分 63錄一 緩和置中 68錄二 適度置中 73錄三 顯著置中 78錄四 顯著置尾 84錄五 問卷 90application/pdf6577740 bytesapplication/pdfen-US故事型廣告產品論點適切性運輸效果性別產品熟悉度story-formed advertisingproduct arguments appropriatenesstransportation effectsexproduct familiarity產品論點在故事型電視廣告出現時點與強度之效果The Effects of Product Arguments’ Location and Intensity on Story-Formed TV Advertisementthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/184574/1/ntu-98-R96741024-1.pdf