電機資訊學院: 資訊網路與多媒體研究所指導教授: 洪一平朱琦Zhu, QiQiZhu2017-03-062018-07-052017-03-062018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275819近年來,越來越多的多媒體公共裝置出現在我們生活中。這些裝置,一方面 裝飾了我們的公共空間,另一方面也向該空間內的人傳達了訊息。但是,作為社 區的一部分,面向公眾的裝置還有很多的價值尚未被挖掘。我們發現即使在一個 社區內生活了一段時間,我們對社區的了解也僅僅停留在表面,而且,我們很少 有機會去認識同一個社區中的其他人,即使你們可能經常碰面。為解決上述問題, 我們試圖藉由多點公共互動裝置來強化社群的互動與交流。本篇論文將重點討論 我們如何設計裝置的外形和互動內容來吸引人們來參與互動,具體包括兩個互相 連接的互動裝置,四個不同的互動階段以及基於位置訊息,觸控信息,以及表情 訊息的多種互動方式。用戶可以通過我們的公共裝置,在徜徉社區美景的同時, 偶然邂逅裝置另一端的陌生人。而隨後的用戶研究表明,用戶接受並且喜歡這樣 的方式去了解社區,用我們的公共裝置區去認識更多的人。Public displays are used widely in common life, which can beautify the surroundings while conveying the information to passers-by. However, public displays as a part of the community tend to play a more significant role in our life. We found that although living in a community for a long time, most people rarely have all-round knowing and understanding of the culture and landscapes of their own community. In addition, it is hard for people to have the opportunity or the courage to be social with strangers who may have met before. To solve this problem, we address the solution of enhancing interaction and socializing with bilateral communication of multi-Site public displays, including two connected installations in different places, a framework with fout interaction states, and different interaction content controlled by users` position, touching and facial expression. We hope these public displays could enable viewers to wander through the community and meet new people by chance. Our study suggests that our system not only provide a new method for people to interact with the community but also received positive user feedback.16458188 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2018/8/2論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)公共裝置人機互動多媒體藝術Public displayHCIMultimedia artwork藉由多點公共互動裝置以強化社群互動與交流Enhancing Interaction and Socializing with Bilateral Communication of Multi-Site Public Displaysthesis10.6342/NTU201601302http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275819/1/ntu-105-R03944048-1.pdf