李國譚Li, Kuo-Tan臺灣大學:園藝學研究所張嵐雁Chang, Lan-YenLan-YenChang2010-05-052018-06-292010-05-052018-06-292009U0001-1807200913385900http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/181000摘要 桑樹(Morus spp.)已引入臺灣多年,為具發展潛力之多年生作物,多為雌雄異株,行異花授粉且分布廣泛,遺傳背景複雜,其分類尚待釐清。為瞭解臺灣桑樹種原間之親緣關係,本研究利用營養性狀進行歧異度分析,並以流式細胞儀及核型分析確認其倍體數,俾建立臺灣桑樹細胞遺傳資料庫。 自苗栗區農業改良場桑樹種原庫選出26個品種(系),在2008年調查記錄各品種(系)之21組營養性狀。經主成份分析及群集分析,受試品種(系)可分為三群(一)長果桑(Morus laevigata),(二)廣東桑(M. atropurpurea)、山桑(M. bombycis)、島桑(M. australis)及臺灣桑(M. formosensis),及(三)白桑(M. alba)及魯桑(M. latifolia),群內親緣相近。從中選出葉寬、葉長葉寬比、葉柄寬、休眠需冷量、生長中芽形、休眠芽形、葉色、葉緣及葉尖等九個主要代表性狀,歸納出不受限於株性之桑樹檢索表,可供分類使用。 為估算種原倍體數,以流式細胞儀進行分析,結果顯示參試品種(系)可分為兩類,二倍體包括山桑、白桑、魯桑、島桑、臺灣桑及廣東桑,DNA含量為0.61-0.71 pg/2C。70C006 (M. laevigata) 為三倍體,DNA含量為1.06 pg/2C。67C001 (M. australis) 則有基因組各為0.63 pg/2C的二倍體和0.98 pg/2C的三倍體株,倍體數之差異亦會表現在形態上,三倍體植株較二倍體植株大。 桑樹13個品種(系)之染色體核型一致,14對染色體中,僅第2、5及14對為次中位中節,其餘為中位中節,以螢光原位雜交技術(Fluorescence in situ hybridization, FISH)標定白桑、島桑、廣東桑及長果桑之rDNA基因座位置,分佈位置一致,種間無明顯差異。不同株性的品種(系)中,唯島桑及雜交桑之雄株品種(系),在第3對染色體有一條染色體之短臂染色深,但白桑不同株性品種(系)間則無條帶差異。Abstract The mulberry (Morus spp.), a perennial crop valued for its economoical importance, had led it a potential crop in the future. Because of its dioecious and cross-pollination nature, a complex genetic background of mulberry cultivars has been developed in Taiwan and the original classification system may need to be reexamined. In this study, the genetic relationship of the mulberry collection in Taiwan has been established by principal component analysis and clustering analysis based on vegetative traits. Besides, the ploidy and karyotype have also been examined to enrich the cytogenetic data base. Twenty-six mulberry accessions from Miaoli District Agricultural Research and Extension Station (MDARES) were selected and 21 morphological characters were evaluated in 2008. Data were used for principal component analysis and clustering analysis. Accessions were grouped into three major clusters: (1) Morus laevigata, (2) M. atropurpurea, M. bombycis, M. australis, M. formosensis, and (3) M. alba and M. latifolia. Nine sets of morphological characters including leaf width, leaf lengths : widths ratio, petiole widths, chilling requirement, bud shape, dormant bud shape, mature leaf color, shape of leaf margin and leaf tip, were chosen to present a new key to mulberry in Taiwan, which is suitable for all sex types.he ploidy of 26 mulberry accessions was determined by flow cytometer. Accessions of M. bombycis, M. alba, M. latifolia, M. australis, M. formosensis, and M. aropurpurea were diploids with genome sizes ranging from 0.61 to 0.71 pg/2C. Aceesions 70C006 (M. laevigata) was a triploid with a genome size of 1.06 pg/2C. Accession 67C001 (M. australis) comprised diploid and triploid with genome size of 0.63 pg/2C and 0.98 pg/2C, respectively. The morphological characters were bigger in triploid also revealed the difference in ploidy leve.he karyotypes of 13 accessions were similar. Among the 14 pairs of chromosomes, chromosome 2, 5, 14 are submetacentric chromosomes while the others are metacentric. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of 5S rDNA and 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA in four species also revealed the resemblance among M. species. In M. australis and some mulberry hybrids, one p-arm of choromosome 3 showed dark staining in male but not in female plants. However, the difference in banding pattern between sex types was not observed in M. alba.目錄 Contents錄 i目錄 iii目錄 iv要 vbstract vi一章 總論 1hapter 1. General introduction.1前言 2.2桑樹簡介 3.3桑屬植物之分類 4.4數量分類學 9.5桑樹細胞遺傳學之研究 12.6結論及試驗假說 15.7參考文獻 17二章 臺灣桑樹之歧異度分析 24hapter 2. Genetic diversity of mulberry (Morus spp.) in Taiwan.1摘要 25.2前言 26.3材料與方法 27.4結果 32.5討論 43.6結論 47.7參考文獻 48.8 Abstract 51三章 桑樹倍數體及DNA含量之鑑定 52hapter 3. Determining ploidy and DNA content of mulberry (Morus spp.) .1摘要 53.2前言 54.3材料與方法 55.4結果 57.5討論 59.6結論 65.7參考文獻 66.8 Abstract 69四章 臺灣桑樹之核型分析及rDNA染色圖譜 70hapter 4. Karyotype analysis and physical mapping of rDNA of mulberry (Morus spp.) in Taiwan.1摘要 71.2前言 72.3材料與方法 73.4結果 76.5討論 88.6結論 91.7參考文獻 92.8 Abstract 95五章 總結及未來展望 96錄 101application/pdf1580864 bytesapplication/pdfen-US主成份分析群集分析流式細胞儀分析核型分析螢光原位雜交Principal component analysisclustering analysisflow cytometric analysiskaryotypic analysisfluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)臺灣桑樹種原分析Germplasm analysis of mulberry (Morus spp.) in Taiwanthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/181000/1/ntu-98-R96628127-1.pdf