臺灣大學: 土木工程學研究所郭斯傑周祐康Chou, Yu-KangYu-KangChou2013-04-012018-07-092013-04-012018-07-092012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256055在環保意識升高與能源價格飆漲之雙重壓力下,我國政府在近年來積極推動校園建築物之節能減碳。本研究選擇以國立台灣大學之校園建築為研究對象,目的在將台灣大學多年來的節能經驗做出有系統之整理,以作為未來大執行大學建築物節能之參考。首先利用校園內各館舍的用電資料進行用電特性分析;再與校內節能組織之負責人進行訪談以探討校園內各館舍執行節能之誘因、壓力與阻礙為何;最後並計算台灣大學校園常用節能措施之成本效益,以利進行未來優先施作何種節能措施之參考。 研究結果發現雖然能源局現行規定之學校用電指標(EUI)為98.2,但本研究調查之83棟校園建築物中僅有21棟低於此數值,且前10名之EUI高達478.3,因此可知台灣大學在節能成效尚仍有加強空間。由專家訪談中得知台灣大學目前是以金錢補助、節能績效比賽和自付電費機制來提供各館舍節能之誘因與壓力,各館舍在選擇節能措施時之主要考量因素則為「工程費用高低」和「投資回收年限」;曾執行過的節能措施以校方有進行專案經費補助的「更換T5節能燈泡」和「更換LED逃生指示燈」比例最高;執行節能時遭遇的阻礙主要來自「汰換設備之經費不足」和「使用者節能習慣不佳」。 總結而言,本研究認為成功推動大學校園建築節能之關鍵因子為:使用者付費機制的確實建立、上級者與行政人員之強烈意願、使用者節能意識的加強、設備汰舊換新和補助項目的自由化。在常見節能措施中,T5省電型燈具與LED逃生指示燈具有良好的節能率與投資回收年限可考慮全面汰換;屋頂隔熱與感應式電燈需仔細評估安裝場所後才能確保其節能成效;冷氣汰換則不具財務回收之可行性,其優點僅在環境汙染與室內舒適度之改善,不宜過於積極汰換。For the awareness of energy conservation and under the pressure of energy-price rising, our government made a lot of efforts in energy-saving and carbon reducing In recent years. This research target on campus building of National Taiwan University (NTU), and aid to (1) making systematize arrangement of energy-saving experience in NTU. (2) Using energy-consumption data of campus building for basic analysis of electrical characteristic. (3) Discussing the status and difficulty of energy-saving practices by expert interviews. (4) Cost-benefit analysis of common energy-saving measures in NTU. The result shows that the top 10 energy-using buildings in National Taiwan University have a 478.3 EUI value, which is much higher than the standard value of university (98.2). It means NTU still have space to improve energy-saving performance. By expert interview for who in charge of building energy-saving, “building facility replacing subsidy” and “competition of building energy-saving performance” are the major incentives and the major pressure is provided by the “Departments’ electric bill sharing”. Under those policies, most departments take “budget of engineering” and “payback period” as most important concern criteria when choosing energy-saving measures , and “T5 bulb” and “LED fire-caution indicator” are two most common energy-saving measures that be taken. “Not sufficient in budget of facility replacing” and “poor energy-saving conscious of building users” become the greatest challenge to carry energy-saving in NTU. This research conclude that the critical factor of successful energy-saving is: build up the pay-as-you-go energy bill sharing mechanism, the highly inclination of energy-saving executor, enhance building user’s energy-saving consciousness, speeding up facility replacing and better subsidy diversity. And this research recommend that campus building should replace “T5 bulb” and “LED fire-caution indicator” immediately since they have good energy-saving effect and payback ratio. “Roof insulation” and “motion-sensor in lighting system” need to assess install location carefully to ensure their energy-saving effect. “Replacement of Air-conditioner” has no financial self-liquidating and is suggested keep in normal maintain and eliminate rather than aggressive replacement.1109188 bytesapplication/pdfen-US校園建築節能用電特性分析專家訪談成本效益分析Campus BuildingEnergy-SavingExpert InterviewCost-Benefit Analysis[SDGs]SDG7大學校園建築節能措施成本效益與推行阻礙之研究-以國立台灣大學為例Cost-Effectiveness and Executive Obstacles for Buildings Energy-Saving Practices - A Case Study of the National Taiwan Universitythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256055/1/ntu-101-R99521712-1.pdf